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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

When you’re frustrated with someone, take a moment and see things from their perspective

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

President's Day 2021

It's a holiday in the US, President's Day, and I'm off. Hopefully, I'm coaching and enjoying a day with kids away from work and the stress of the world.

I hope you have a good day as well.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents

Getting Comfortable Writing Code in Azure Data Studio

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from

Learn some of the ins and outs of working with Azure Data Studio to develop SQL code.

Execute Dynamic SQL commands in SQL Server

Additional Articles from

In some applications having hard coded SQL statements is not appealing, because of the dynamic nature of the queries being issued against the database server. This is where dynamically building SQL statements can be useful.

The Future of Database DevOps

Additional Articles from Redgate

Join Pramod Sadalage, Director at Thoughtworks, and a stellar line up of speakers for Redgate Summit: The Future of Database DevOps on February 17 & 18. You’ll discover the latest trends in DevOps, brand new insights from the 2021 State of Database DevOps report, an introduction and technical demos of Redgate’s solutions for Database DevOps, and more.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How to Prep a SQL Server Availability Group for VM-Level DR Replication

kleegeek from Technobabble by Klee from @kleegeek

If you have a SQL Server Availability Group (AG) and the VMs are being replicated to a disaster recovery site (cloud or on-prem), chances are the networking topology is...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - About Friendship and Using Optional Stored Procedure parameters in Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev from Data Adventures

(2021-Feb-07) "You've Got a Friend in Me" is a well-known song written by Randy Newman and featured in one of Disney's animated films. If I hadn't had a chance...


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Limit on Control

What can I not grant to another user if I have the CONTROL permission on a database object?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Removing Untracked Files

I am working in a git repository on some code. I check out a branch and make some changes. I also add a few new files. I decide I haven't done a great job here, so I want to abandon my changes. I run this:

git checkout .

This removes the changes I've made. However, I wonder about the new files and folders I added that were untracked. How do I remove them?

Answer: git clean -f -d

Explanation: You use git clean to remove untracked files. Ref: git clean -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Can't import certificate - Hello, For a SCCM installation, we have been told we need to install a certificate.  I am supposed to install it in configuration manager. I go to the certificate tab.  However, I don't see an import.  I've looked up the internet and see where I should be seeing an import button.  I am an admin […]
Using SQL Configuration Manger 2019 on SQL 2017 instances. - I'm hoping this is a simple (obvious) question... I'm charged with implementing a solution for TLS encrypted connections to 3-node SQL Server  2017 Always-On AG.  I was reading in the documentation that SQL Configuration Manager 2019 greatly simplifies deployment/management of certificates across the AG and that Configuration Manager 2019 can be used on earlier versions. […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Convert International Character-String Date Formats - We are receiving some international text file(s) with date(s) (and other fields) in languages other than english (dez, déc, etc). Does anyone know of a method to try and convert dates into a us-english format? Here is what was tried at the moment: DECLARE @Date varchar(20), @Date1 VARCHAR(20), @Date2 VARCHAR(20) SET @Date = '25 déc […]
Stored Proc:Can I use a parameter of comma separated Id\'s within a WHERE clause? - I need to return records that contain one of several primary key Id's (these Id's are INT data types).  The id's will be passed into the stored procedure via a varchar containing the id's separated by commas.  I'd like to then use these Id's within my WHERE clause but I'm not sure how. Ex. DECLARE […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Query plans not getting cached - Just wanted to know what this could be   I have a simple query that takes 1 min for the initial run and then it takes less than 10 secs after the second run in test environment and I can see the query in the cached plans I run the same thing in prod it […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Replacing String Between Two HTML Tags - Hi all, I could use some assistance with this one as I can't get anything working correctly for it at the moment. I'm having to move some HTML formatted data between two applications and they have a few differing quirks regarding how they handle HTML formatting. The specific quirk that is causing me issues is […]
Counting Daily Active Accounts per Category - Hello everyone, I am trying to get the number of daily active accounts per given category. I have the following table that contains accounts, their category, and when they moved into that category. ` ID     Category       Category_Date 11       1                        2021-01-05 12      3                       2021-01-05 11       2                       2021-01-18 12      2                       2021-01-19 14      5                      […]
Stored procedure performance issues - I've been tasked with improving the performance of a colleagues stored procedure, and could really do with some advice to ensure that I don't lead them down the wrong path. The stored procedure creates a temp clustered index based on values from a user table-value function output (input for this function is one of the […]
SQL 2012 - General
How to replace OR statment on revision by another best practise and more perform - How to replace OR statement on revision by another best practise and more performance ?   I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I need to use any thing alternative or best from using OR statement multiple time . so How to use any solution without Using OR statement on Revision with another […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
TDE With Log shipping - Our environment is SQL Server 2019. I'm new to TDE and am having to learn it because of a vendor request, but I am having trouble finding a similar environment to ours as I Google. We have a vendor's healthcare application my company uses and the DB supporting the app is in a cloud environment […]
2019 SSRS Install problem - We're upgrading from 2012 to 2019 and I'm running into multiple issues with SSRS 2019. But let me start with the basic one. How do we install the dev version of this as a named instance? It installs as "SSRS" but I want to install it as our old instance name so we don't have […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
SQL Query - Get Start/End Date per Employment Period - Hi All, Need to get Start and End Date per eployment period, meaning an employee can be hired and rehired. I attached a sample data and desired output.   Thanks
It does not keep the data in the table being filled from a stored procedure - I would like to know why when consulting a table that is filled with a stored procedure and the last one is called with an openrowset, it does not return data. Example CREATE TABLE dbo.Test (Id INT, Nombre VARCHAR(10)) GO CREATE PROCEDURE ProcedureTest1 AS BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.Test VALUES(1, 'Deblin') SELECT * FROM dbo.Test END […]
Why I have problem with adding IDENTITY in my table? - I want to create Table which name is ARTIKAL. Also I want to set Identity  in ID column but every time when I run my code I get this. Here is the code CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ARTIKAL] ( ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Naziv char(10) NOT NULL, Cena decimal (5,2) NOT NULL, Kolicina int NOT NULL, […]
Reporting Services
Long running report- kill the session - There are few reports in our environment which run on read only replica, but they take over 3+hrs. We have decided that any report that runs for more than 2 hrs should be killed and rolledback. How do we identify that that report was killed (session was killed) due to this reason? Should I write […]


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