The Trump FCC repealed Net Neutrality four years ago today.

Free Press

We lost Net Neutrality four years ago. A fully staffed FCC is our best chance to get it back. We’re so close, but we need to keep the pressure on. Donate today to our fight to reinstate Net Neutrality and your gift will be DOUBLED.


Four years ago this week the Trump FCC voted to overturn the Net Neutrality rules — enabling companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to slow down or block the content you want to see.

But now we finally have a chance to restore these protections: The Senate just confirmed Jessica Rosenworcel as chair of the FCC, and our campaign supporting Gigi Sohn as the agency’s fifth commissioner is gaining steam. Once the FCC is fully staffed, it will have the votes it needs to bring back Title II Net Neutrality — and stop ISPs from engaging in abusive practices.

The future of the open internet is on the line: Donate to Free Press today so we have the resources we need to reinstate Net Neutrality. A generous donor will DOUBLE your donation.

Thank you for your support!


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