July 12, 2016
Getting Unstuck & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Getting Unstuck by Pema Chodron - This 6 week course with internationally renowned spiritual teacher, Pema Chodron, presents the essential teachings on a life of fearlessness, aliveness, and true spiritual awakening. The teachings on "Getting Unstuck" offer a direct path to a life of true joy, love, and happiness, and represent a powerful approach to life as revealed by the ancient meditative tradition of Tibet. We all know what it's like to be triggered-- to have said something we wish we hadn't, or reacted in a way that wasn't helpful. What if there was a way to interrupt our knee-jerk responses and make a different choice? These are the Tibetan teachings of shenpa, as taught by American Buddhist nun Pema C! hdrn. Through this course you will learn ways to unravel patterns of self-denigration, the power of pause and the big difference it can make in your daily life, and how to stay with discomfort so you can uncover your innate wisdom and confidence. You will receive guided practices for cultivating the awareness of shenpa in everyday life, and Pema's expert guidance will teach you how to use these practices for positive transformation. more

How to Get Your Sexy Back by Pam Thomas - Through this 10 week course with certified coach, Pam Thomas, you will be led to claim the inner beauty and sexiness that is rightfully yours! Real beauty and sexiness is that gleam in your eye, that bounce in your step, the confidence you exude, or the laugh that comes from your heart. It's the love you develop for yourself. It's you at your core. That is where real beauty and sexiness lives. The lessons and exercises in this course will support you in getting your sexy back. You will explore the ways in which your ego blocks your inner beauty and sexiness, learn how to deal with fear, blow the lid off the misconception of not being worthy, get rid of the old stuff so th! e new stuff can come in, and set yourself free from external factors that are keeping you hostage. As you learn how to get to the core of who you really are, you will become so attuned to what makes you tick and what you most value, that all of your decisions from here forward will be ones that match the real you. more

Break Free from Your Limiting Beliefs by Ellen Richter - This 6 week course with life and wellness coach, Ellen Richter, will teach you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to create the new you from the inside out, where real and lasting change occurs. It is true that we create our own reality. You've heard it before and you may have taken multiple courses, read many books and acquired a lot of knowledge on the subject. You set your intentions and applied your new knowledge and skills. Maybe you succeeded. For a little while. If you haven't made lasting change or realized your dreams, it's not your fault! To make real change, you must change the subconscious. Your subconscious mind controls over! 95% of your thoughts, emotions and behavior. What you are living now is a result of early programming. This course will teach you how to work with your mind to change it's programming, and move into allowance, inspiration, and ease instead of endless struggle. Your life will change to match the new programming you DECIDE to implant into your subconscious. You CAN take your power back and live deliberately. more

Be More Conscious with Mindfulness by Dawn Lianna - In this 6 week course with intuitive and healer, Dawn Lianna, you will learn how to live in a state of mindfulness as a form of ongoing meditation. You will be shown a way to take your meditative practices into your day and live in present moment. Have you ever noticed someone who no matter what is going on, he or she seems to be wide awake, centered and more stable than the rest? This person feels light. Her smile is authentic. This is the practitioner of mindfulness and this can be you! This course will teach you how to feel centered and calm even in the midst of chaos, to be alert and authentic, and to speak your truth. You will then be able to ! more easily solve problems, stay present during emotional and challenging moments, and experience positive self-reflection and rock solid self-esteem. Becoming more conscious through mindfulness will lead you to more fully enjoying your life! more

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life by Marilyn Alauria - This 22 day course from renowned psychic medium, Marilyn Alauria, will lead you to become intimate with what you really desire instead of what your 'old beliefs' tell you. Are you Feeling Stuck but don't know why? Are you operating from Old Belief Systems? These 'programs' have been etched into your mind but are not your own. They come from outside influences that you came into contact with as you were growing up. You may feel guilt, fear, apathy or overwhelm when making decisions using other's beliefs. This course will guide you to change these patterns easily so you can make choices that are based on your own beliefs. You will learn to see what bel! ief systems are holding you back, to become and remain conscious around your true belief system, and to replace feelings of uncertainty with a life of freedom, inner power and clarity. You will feel that you are living the life you are meant to live! more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Release Yourself from Family Karma
2. Find True Love in 27 Days
3. 21 Day Yoga Shred
4. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Heal Yourself with Writing
7. 21 Day Yoga Body!
8. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
9. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse
10. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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