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Gianmarco Garofoli climbs to excellent stage victory for Development Team DSM

After being set up well by the team and attacking from far out, Gianmarco Garofoli conquered the mountains for Development Team DSM in Italy today.

The second stage at the Giro Ciclistico della Valle d'Aosta - Mont Blanc saw a brutal day in the saddle with almost 4500 metres of climbing. Racing aggressively, Garofoli attacked on the third-last climb of the day, before using his descending skills to build up an advantage. Continuing to push the power on the climbs, Garofoli dug as deep as he could all the way to the line, before sitting up in Breuil Cervinia to celebrate Development Team DSM's third win of the season.

Click here for quotes and reaction from Garofoli and coaching staff.

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