Hi John

Are you planning to make your own Valentine's Day cards this year?

This is one of easiest homemade cards you can make (that are also kid-driven AND 100% unique), and I don't want you to miss it, especially if you don't already have a plan for Valentine's day...

You're going to turn big painted hearts into an all-in-one Valentines...the heart becomes the envelope.

It's basically magic.✨

You'll need these supplies: Paper, Paint (+brushes), Stickers, Scissors, Pen

Paint all over the paper, however you like. When dry, cut hearts from the paper. Write a message on the back.

Easy so far, right?

Then, the best part...fold it into an envelope!

These are so cool because you don't need extra paper for the envelopes.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.

If you're looking for more creative activities like this one, join us in TinkerLab Schoolhouse. Our membership provides you with weekly lessons, including videos and downloadable lesson plans, and structure to keep you organized. Enrollment closes this Friday, so don't miss out!

Happy creating!


Heart Painting Captain & Scissors Skipper

p.s. Get started with Schoolhouse here. The doors close February 10, midnight ET.Join at the annual level and get 4 months FREE!!!!