The gig economy now comprises about 34% of the US workforce, but is expected to be 43% of the US workforce by 2020, according to an Intuit report. Consulting firm McKinsey says the US has about 68 million freelancers.
Small businesses tend to favor hiring military veterans, and there are good reasons. Owners cite veterans' discipline, commitment and ability to work under pressure.
Talent's scarcity means companies should manage it like they would finances, writes Eric Garton of Bain & Co. Reliable measurement is key, he says, arguing that "[f]or human capital, we need to start thinking about the opportunity cost of a lost hour."
On average, US employees use only 54% of their available vacation time, according to a Glassdoor report. Only 23% of workers took all vacation time available during the past 12 months.
CEOs want chief HR officers who can find and grow talent, make the business more efficient and help manage the executive team, writes Marc Effron. "Functionally narrow" CHROs, by contrast, are not in demand.
Long-tailed macaques in Indonesia are stealing valuable items, including cash, glasses and cameras, from tourists and are forcing people to leave food and treats to get belongings returned. Primatologist Fany Brotcorne says the animals pass the skill to offspring; the behavior had been thought to be exclusive to humans.