TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 27, 2017

Newt Gingrich Plays Goebbels for Trump in Insane Attack on Justice Department and Mueller

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Gingrich smears the DOJ's mission as a leftist vendetta. READ MORE»

Constantly in an Angry Frenzy, Trump is an Out-of-Control Chief Executive

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Add a dose of raw fear to the president's usual bluster and you have a very scary situation. READ MORE»

5 Reasons Why Democrats' 'Better Deal' Must Include Public Education

By Jeff Bryant, AlterNet

The Trump/DeVos education agenda is extraordinarily unpopular—and gives Democrats a big opening. READ MORE»

Trump Cites 'Tremendous Costs' for Transgender Servicemembers, When Military Spends Five Times More on Erectile Dysfunction Pills

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Donald Trump announced a ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military Wednesday morning, saying their participation is costly and disruptive. READ MORE»

Jury Sentences Man to 137 Years in Jail for Stealing Tires

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Some crimes matter, while some lives do not.  READ MORE»

10 Ways the Military Gobbles Up Your Tax Dollars to Pay for Multiple Wars

By William Hartung, TomDispatch

In government terms, make no mistake about it, the Pentagon & Co. are the 1 percent. READ MORE»

Protecting Superfunds: The Polluter Must Pay

By Lois Gibbs, AlterNet

The toxic legacy of the Love Canal means we must protect the power of communities to hold polluters accountable. READ MORE»

New Israel Labour Leader Excites Some, but What Can He Offer the Palestinians?

By Ben White, The Arab Weekly

A new leader may have excited Labour voters, but for Palestinians experiencing apartheid firsthand, it all seems wearingly familiar.  READ MORE»

Republicans in Congress Quick to Criticize Trump's Ban of Transgender People in the Military

By Charlie May, Salon

If Trump's transgender ban was just a cynical ploy to his base, it doesn't seem to be working all that well. READ MORE»

As the U.S. Backs Away From Syria’s Civil War, War-Weary Residents of Damascus Struggle to Survive

By Rania Khalek, AlterNet

The Syrian capital city is battered by Western sanctions and filled with the internally displaced. READ MORE»

Trump's Newest Disaster: Discharging Transgender People in Active Military Service Citing Ludicrous and Impractical Data

By Sam Riedel, AlterNet

The door remains open for another miscarriage of justice like Chelsea Manning’s. READ MORE»

After Devastating 2016 Loss, Democrats Pitch Populist Election Agenda

By Neil Baron, AlterNet

If they want to win, Democrats have to start by offering winning ideas.  READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: It's Time to End Planned Obsolescence and Allow the Right to Repair

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Do-It-Yourselfers unite! READ MORE»

The Shocking, Unmatched Pains That Wal-Mart Took to Avoid Unions

By Rick Wartzman, PublicAffairs Books

Wal-Mart managers were supposed to contact corporate headquarters the moment they sniffed even a hint of union activity to get support in quashing labor reform. READ MORE»

Enter Your Hometown Into This Interactive to Find Your City's 'Climate Twin'

By Stacia Mullaney, AlterNet

New York City and Buenos Aires may be worlds apart, but their weather patterns are very similar. READ MORE»

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