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October 7, 2016
Enough with Fear!
Susie Larson

Today’s Truth

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV).

Friend to Friend

Recently I experienced a flare up of my old Lyme symptoms. One doctor told me years ago that I no longer deal with an active disease, just the residual effects of the disease. I have daily joint pain and occasional neurological flare-ups. I’ve come a long way in my healing and health since those sick years, and my struggle through that valley has left a lasting imprint on my heart.

On one hand, I took countless spoils from that battle. My trust in God has deepened over time. I now understand how fragile and fleeting this life can be. I’m quicker to see things from an eternal perspective.

However, I also carry with me the baggage of fear.

Crawling through that valley, battling sickness and the financial hardship that accompanied it, all while trying to care for three little boys, sent me in a tailspin of fear from time to time. Even now, with my kids grown and a full plate of ministry duties, I pick up fear when remnants from my past reappear.

Can you relate?

So during my recent flare-up of symptoms, I cried out to God, “Oh, Lord, I long for perfect and total healing so I will no longer fear sickness and disease!” And just as quickly the Lord spoke these words to my heart: What makes you think that once you’re healed completely, you won’t struggle with fear of sickness and disease? These are two separate things. I’ve equipped you to take on the fear, so slay that dragon. And entrust your health, and all of your cares to Me. I will sustain you.

Talk about a light bulb moment!

Think about how the enemy works. When he attaches fears to our concerns, he backs us into a corner until we feel helpless and powerless to do anything about our circumstance.

For me, when fear rises up because my face has gone numb, I want to panic because I can’t make my symptoms go away. But when I separated my fear from my health and decided, I can do something about this fear, I took the power away from the enemy and began to see my circumstance with greater clarity, and even peace.

In Luke 10:19 Jesus tells us that He has given us authority over ALL the power of the enemy. He’s given us authority. So we need to take authority.

Jesus wants us to entrust our concerns to Him, for He cares for us.

But He’s also equipped us for battle. Over and over Scripture gives us this charge: Do. Not. Fear.

Pay attention next time you feel stirred up in fear because a current circumstance mirrors a past pain or hardship. Maybe it’s your marriage, your finances, your sense of identity and acceptance. Maybe it’s your job. Where do you tend to feel weak, vulnerable, and unsettled?

Step back, pick up your shield and sword (See Ephesians 6) and slay that dragon of fear! Then cast your cares on the Lord, for He will sustain and strengthen you.

Then, simply do the next thing He tells you to. He’ll get you where you need to go. Just walk boldly and confidently forward in faith.

Overwhelming victory is yours because you belong to Him.


Father in Heaven, I belong to You. I am someone You love; someone You’ve saved; someone You’ve redeemed. Help me to lay hold of all that You’ve purchased for me. I want to walk in the freedom You offer me. I want to stand mighty in battle because You’ve equipped me! Forgive me for coddling my fears more than I cling to the promises of God. Fill me afresh with faith this day. Help me to live in a manner worthy of Your Name.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,

Now It’s Your Turn

Has fear attached itself to a circumstance in your life? Separate the two, deal with the fear, and entrust your cares to God.

In what ways is God inviting you to engage your faith today?

More from the Girlfriends

In her book, Your Powerful Prayers: Reaching the Heart of God with a Bold and Humble Faith, Susie Larson will help you learn how to boldly come before the throne of God with confidence and power. Visit Susie’s website for more information about her ministry and resources.

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