In this issue, October 5, 2021 View it in your browser.

Brain-Machine Interface, GitHub Allstar, Netflix Routing, GitHub Security, JobRunr 4.0, Qwik, Swift 5.5, Service Mesh Complexity, Self-Managed Projects, Gamification

The schedule for QCon Plus November is now live. Discover the sessions and speaker line-up.

Learn how 64+ leading software practitioners at Netflix, Twitter, eBay, Shopify, Pinterest, and more are adopting the emerging technologies, trends, and practices shaping the future of software development. Join them at QCon Plus this November. Book your spot before Oct 9th and save $100.



Production Kubernetes (By O'Reilly)

While many organizations have an existing Kubernetes footprint, far fewer are using it in production, and even less are operating at scale. This book charts the key considerations engineering teams must look at to successfully define a path to production with Kubernetes at enterprise scale. Download now.

Sam Newman on Information Hiding, Ubiquitous Language, UI Decomposition and Building Microservices

Charles Humble talks to Sam Newman about the 2nd edition of Newman’s book Building Microservices. They discuss information hiding; ideas from Domain Driven Design including aggregates, bounded contexts and ubiquitous language; UI decomposition; and team structure. (Podcast)

Moving from Individual Contributor to People Leader

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Sam McAfee about helping technologists move from being individual contributors to leaders of teams. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Stanford Research Center Studies Impacts of Popular Pretrained Models

Georgia Tech Researchers Create Wireless Brain-Machine Interface

Researchers from Georgia Tech University's Center for Human-Centric Interfaces and Engineering have created soft scalp electronics (SSE), a wearable wireless electro-encephalography (EEG) device for reading human brain signals. By processing the EEG data using a neural network, the system allows users wearing the device to control a video game simply by imagining activity. (News)



Register for the 2021 Fall Graph + AI Summit

Graph + AI Summit Fall 2021 (Oct. 5 & 19): Join speakers from Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Capgemini, Amazon, Google, and more on Ai and machine learning with TigerGraph. Register Here.


  1. Microsoft Announces Azure Functions 4.0 with .NET 6 Support in Preview

  2. Microsoft Announces Preview of On-Demand Capacity Reservations for Azure Virtual Machines

  3. Announcing Allstar, a GitHub App to Improve Open Source Security

  4. Armo Releases Kubescape K8s Security Testing Tool: Q&A with VP Jonathan Kaftzan

  5. Amazon Announces QuickSight Q General Availability

Virtual Panel: DevSecOps and Shifting Security Left

Recent attacks, that targeted SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline, and others, have shown that development environments come ever more frequently on the radar of malicious actors. A virtual panel on the value of shifting left security, how to take responsibility for it, and the time-to-market pitfalls. (Article)

Netflix Networking: Beating the Speed of Light with Intelligent Request Routing

Sergey Fedorov discusses how to build the Internet latency map, using network protocols and edge infrastructure, and how to use a data-driven approach to evolve your client-server interactions. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Book your spot at QCon Plus November 2021.



Why Secure Access to Cloud Infrastructure is Painful

How to deal with the increasing complexity of implementing secure access? Consolidation is the key. Find out more.

GitHub to Phase out Support for Git Protocol, DSA Keys and Legacy SSH Algorithms

With a strong focus on having customer data as secure as possible, GitHub has decided to remove support for the unencrypted Git protocol, DSA keys, and some legacy SSH algorithms. Also, it is adding requirements for newly added RSA keys and providing support for ECDSA and Ed25519 host keys SSH. These changes might affect only SSH and git:// users, while the https:// users will be unaffected. (News)



Going Passwordless With WebAuthn

Curity's Jonas Iggborn explains why password security issues are driving a passwordless approach to modern application sign-on. Read article.


  1. JobRunr 4.0 Delivers Improved Integration with Spring Starter, Quarkus and Micronaut

Java News Roundup: Spring Boot Updates, Eclipse Temurin JDK 17, Apache Camel Ends Support for JDK 8

It was relatively quiet during the week of September 20th, 2021, with most news coming from point and milestone releases of Spring Boot, Spring Security, and Spring Cloud. Other news includes the release of Eclipse Temurin JDK 17 binaries, Build 16 of the JDK 18 early-access builds, Hibernate ORM 5.6.0.Beta2, WildFly 25 Beta 1, Apache Camel dropping support for JDK 8 and JDKMon 17.0.0. (News)



Save time, deliver higher quality with test automation boot camp

Join us at Keysight’s Software Test Automation Boot Camp and learn everything you need to know about saving time and delivering higher quality software with test automation. Learn more.


  1. Qwik, a Resumable Javascript Framework

Optimizing Your Web Performance: Separating the Signals from the Noise

Carl Anderson shares the journey Trainline has been on leading up to Google introducing Core Web Vitals as a ranking signal, discussing web performance. (Presentation with transcript included)


Cockroach Labs

Dude, Where's My Server? Kelsey Hightower Explains Serverless

Kelsey Hightower explains how a free serverless database impacts application development. Register for the webinar.


  1. Swift 5.5 Extends Concurrency Support, Enums, Property Wrappers, and more

Facebook Mariana Trench Helps Developers to Find Vulnerabilities in Android and Java Apps

Recently open-sourced by Facebook, Mariana Trench (MT) aims to help developers identify and prevent security and privacy bugs in Android and Java applications. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How GitHub Partitioned Its Relational Database to Improve Reliability at Scale

How Unnecessary Complexity Gave the Service Mesh a Bad Name

There is immense value in adopting a service mesh, but it must be done in a lightweight manner to avoid unnecessary complexity. Take a pragmatic approach when implementing a service mesh by aligning with the core features of the technology, such as standardized monitoring and smart routing, and watching out for distractions. (Article)



Microservices Up and Running (By O’Reilly)

Learn how to design an effective and explicit microservices system end-to-end, how to slice a big application into a collection of microservices, how to build a simple yet powerful CI/CD pipeline for infrastructure changes, and more. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Future of Agile in Africa: Challenges and Progress

How to Decide in Self-Managed Projects - a Lean Approach to Governance

Whether self-managed or self-governed as a project, the power still needs to be distributed internally. If the project is open to decide how things are done, how do we decide? A solid but flexible set of tools and practices like sociocracy is a great starting point for projects to have clear but lean processes that can grow as we grow. (Article)

Best Practices for Letting Go of a Remote Team Member

At Doist, letting go of a team member is a last resort. Over 14 years, the remote-first pioneer has parted ways with approximately 25 team members, which has evolved the way they handle remote terminations. Today, Doist employs 100 people in 35+ countries with a 90+% employee retention rate. Here COO Allan Christensen offers his lessons learned on letting go of a remote team member. (Article)

Gamification: a Strategy for Enterprises to Enable Digital Product Practices

To embrace the changing needs of consumers, organizations are exploring new ways to ideate, collaborate, and create products, some of them being embracing co-creation models, investment in long-term value, and fostering collective wisdom through gamification. This article shows how gamification helps to create perspective around product practices and bring us closer to next-generation products. (Article)


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