Explore code and developers on GitHub today, Dec 15.

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GitHub topic recommendation

# android-asm-transform

Cloud 66 Skycap screenshot
App recommended by GitHub

Cloud 66 Skycap

Skycap is a container-native Continuous Delivery Pipeline. It takes your code from any git repository, and allows you to build your image in a reliable, secure, and repeatable way.

Skycap runs your Docker build workflow step by step for multiple images. It comes complete with an intuitive UI & private Docker repository.

Combine with Maestro for an end-to-end solution.

Pixel Art Tools
Collection recommended by GitHub

Pixel Art Tools

Creating pixel art for fun or animated sprites for a game? The digital artist in you will love these apps and tools!

Trending repositories


NCSC-NL / log4shell

Operational information regarding the vulnerability in the Log4j logging library.

Neo23x0 / log4shell-detector

Detector for Log4Shell exploitation attempts

anchore / syft

CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems

christophetd / log4shell-vulnerable-app

Spring Boot web application vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228, nicknamed Log4Shell.

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