Explore code and developers on GitHub today, today, May 31.

Here's what we found based on your interests...


wolfpld / tracy

C++ frame profiler
★ 901    43

jbetancur / react-data-table-component

A simple table library with built in sorting, pagination, selection, expandable rows and customizable styling.
★ 516    115
GitHub topic recommendation

# ss-plugin

Lighthouse Keeper and the Shadow Pirates
Game Bytes

Lighthouse Keeper and the Shadow Pirates

Darkness has fallen and some persistent, pillaging pirates are attacking your lighthouse. Keep the flame alive in @cagibi-dev’s Lighthouse Keeper and the Shadow Pirates–a game made in a weekend for the Ludum Dare 46 game jam.

App recommended by GitHub


Semaphore lets you test and deploy code at the push of a button with hosted continuous integration and delivery.

After you push code to GitHub, it quickly runs your tests on a platform with first-class Docker support and 100+ tools preinstalled. Semaphore lets you parallelize your builds, get feedback right inside pull requests, and deploy more often in a unified workflow. Already trusted by thousands of businesses around the globe, it can help your team move faster too.

Capture the Flag
Upcoming event recommended by GitHub

Capture the Flag

May 06, 2020 - June 12, 2020

The GitHub Security Lab CTF is a contest where participants are challenged to find a security bug (the flag) in real code.

Text editors
Collection recommended by GitHub

Text editors

The text editor is a sacred application for developers. Here's a showcase of some amazingly awesome open source editors.
Princess Ribbon
Game Bytes

Princess Ribbon

A fun little puzzle game created for Ludum Dare in less than 72 hours. Playable on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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shomali11 / go-interview

Collection of Technical Interview Questions solved with Go

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RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform GUI automation @vcaesar

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Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams

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