Dear John,
Gratitude has become a way of life for me. When I eat, I thank everyone and everything involved in my food coming to be and coming to me. When I enter nature, I offer tobacco to the spirits of that place to thank them for their presence and support. I thank my two cats for enriching my existence in so many beautiful ways. I thank my friends for the wonderful energy they bring into my life.
Today, on Thanksgiving Day, I give heartfelt gratitude to you, my clients and supporters. You make it possible for me to live this extraordinary life, in which I get to make a living by fulfilling my soul purpose! The joy I feel in working with you is a big reason why my everyday reality is so wonderful.
Thank you for all that you give to me. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, as well as joy, vitality and soul-deep fulfillment every day!
Love, light and infinite blessings,