TRIPLE your impact on our movement today.

GivingTuesday starts now. Your gift triples.

Your #GivingTuesday contributions will be TRIPLED — starting now. Donate today!

Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday and if this election and its aftermath have shown us anything, it’s that the fight to protect our democracy from disinformation and white supremacy won’t end when Donald Trump leaves office.

That is why a generous donor is TRIPLING all #GivingTuesday donations until we raise $25,000 starting now. But we have to reach this goal by midnight tomorrow. Please donate now!

With support from donors like you, Free Press has fought like hell against the influence of disinformation and hate during the election season and beyond.

Free Press’ work remains critically important to our health, safety and democracy as disinformation continues to exacerbate the pandemic, Facebook and Fox continue to profit from hate, and millions remain cut off from affordable access to truthful, potentially lifesaving information.

We can’t afford to leave a single dollar of this #GivingTuesday match on the table — please donate now to help ensure we raise $25,000 by midnight tomorrow. Your support will go three times as far in the fight against propaganda and white supremacy.

Despite the chaos and heartache that has defined 2020, our movement for a just media has achieved great things — from inspiring 1,000+ companies like Coca-Cola, Ford and Target to join our Facebook ad boycott to providing essential guidance on the HEROES Act that passed the House in May.

With your support, we will continue to make real progress regardless of the challenges that lie ahead — make your #GivingTuesday contribution now to TRIPLE your impact in the fight for a just media.

Without you, nothing this movement does would be possible — thank you.

In solidarity,

Jessica J. González
Free Press

P.S. Our movement has had major wins this year, including our successful push to get Twitter to ban high-profile white supremacists like David Duke. Make your first-ever donation to Free Press now and your #GivingTuesday contributionn will be TRIPLED to help fight against disinformation and white supremacy, and for access to truthful information.

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