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The Australian Business Review

Good morning,

Australia’s $150bn food and agriculture sector faces a crisis as it battles rising regulation, surging energy costs and tax imposts with executives across the sector, from supermarkets and horticulture to cattle graziers and seafood producers, demanding a national plan to fix industry problems.

And, writes Eric Johnston from The Australian's Global Food Forum in Brisbane, while the best minds and substantial resources are being used on plans to build up critical minerals or rare earths, or even supporting renewables, food manufacturing deserves its own national strategy. And fast.

Meanwhile, says Nick Evans, Fortescue for years argued that it could defy construction, electricity and transport costs and make hydrogen into a cheap energy source. The company has finally conceded it operates in the same world as the rest of us.

Perry Williams
Business editor
The markets

Making news this morning
Aussie franchisees, Lendi divided over tech problems
Lendi, which subsumed Aussie Home Loans, has admitted it had a technology issue that affected some customer inquiries, postcode collection and home loan referrals.
Nuclear ‘distraction’ won’t stop renewable industry
Climate change disagreement clouds Australia’s energy landscape but renewable players vow to accelerate development despite talk of nuclear power disrupting their plans.
Farmers still face bill for biosecurity protection
Farmers thought they had seen the end of the government’s biosecurity funding legislation but Agriculture Minister Murray Watt says consultation is ongoing.
Editor's picks
Raising the roof: sales boom in airspace above Sydney towers
Unit owners in hot spot Sydney suburbs are secretly cashing in airspace above their towers as developers scout for strata buildings where extra rooftops can be added.
PwC’s partners in for a rude tax shock of firm’s making
When it comes to the news cycle PwC is the gift that keeps on giving but sometimes it makes it too easy, such as the latest revelation it understated its partners’ income to the tax office.
‘Disastrous consequences’ of methane tax on cattle
Denmark will tax farmers $144 a cow in a bid to reduce methane emissions. Australian pastoralists say it would destroy the industry if replicated here.
Diversification the key for Australian exporters
Senior writer
The lesson from China’s tariffs on Australian goods has been a harsh one, highlighting the risk of having too many eggs in one basket.
Why the new super tax is worse than we thought
Wealth Editor
Key figures in the investment industry are worried and speaking out about the reality of trying to implement the government’s planned ‘wealth tax’ on superannuation.
Iress back in the takeover spotlight for private equity
Iress is once again a talking point when it comes to a potential takeover, with interest most likely coming from US-based private equity.
Accolade agrees to buy Pernod Ricard wine assets
The two wine companies have finally reached a deal after being in talks for some time.
How Zip’s $267m cash call puts lender on front foot
The buy now pay later provider is capitalising on its stronger share price, raising funds to pay down debt.