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Quick Manufacturing News

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Empowerment is on display in every level of the organization.
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A recent survey found that while 80% believe robotics will shape the future of employment, only one in four education institutions has these programs.
The announcement comes a year after the truck maker announced it would build a $5.6 billion battery campus in the state.
Despite the total fall in orders, the report also showed rising orders for vehicles, computers, and electrical equipment and appliances, which posted a 1.0% increase.
The year-to-date tonnage has slipped below the 2021 pace, apparently due to weak industrial demand in nearly every steelmaking region and major producing country, as well as complicating factors such ...
If allowed to stand, new fast food council law may spread to other states and industries.
Injection molder finds support in its efforts to train workers to take on more technically demanding roles through partnership with Paulson Training Programs.

How can you create streamlined and efficient processes for all your business stakeholders? Join this webinar to explore the top processes that manufacturers are digitizing, and the benefits they are experiencing.

Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com