Plus, how Biden is not LBJ, and more...
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March 18, 2021
We’re Hurtling Toward Global Suicide

Why we must do everything differently to ensure the planet’s survival

By Ben Ehrenreich / Add to Pocket


Stop Worrying About Conservatives Refusing to Be Vaccinated They’ll come around with time. The broader questions of access and equity are more important.By Alex Pareene / Add to Pocket
The Republican Party Crack-Up How will the American business community respond?By Win McCormack / Add to Pocket
Halting the AstraZeneca Vaccine Over Blood Clots Could Do More Damage Than Good The evidence is still very patchy that the vaccine increases blood clot risk. But even if it does: So does the birth control pill.By Melody Schreiber / Add to Pocket


The Biden-LBJ Comparisons Are Overblown The president will have to accomplish a lot more to be truly “transformational.”By Kate Aronoff / Add to Pocket
The Right-Wing War on State Courts Fueled by the desire to suppress the vote and find end runs around the popular will, Republicans across the country are working to deform the state judiciary.By Matt Ford / Add to Pocket
The Struggle to Define Life Two new books shed light on the different ways we view the business of existing.By Jo Livingstone / Add to Pocket


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