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Progressing on the SDGs

Corporate Citizenship will be unveiling the results of our latest global survey on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an exclusive webinar ahead of Global Goals Week 2018. 

Since 2015, we have tracked how corporates are engaging with the Global Goals and the progress made to date. Now in its fourth year, our survey looks at whether companies are missing a golden opportunity to activate new ways of thinking, engaging, and collaborating on global challenges – and if so, how. Register to our upcoming webinar to hear  updates on the findings and trends from our latest survey. This will focus on the practical steps companies can take to overcome barriers to internal and external engagement on the SDGs. 

Date: Thursday 20th September 2018
Time: 3pm BST / 10am EDT / 11am CLST

Register here

Preparing companies for the
2018 DJSI Results

The RobecoSAM DJSI results will be released on Thursday 13th September. This year, Corporate Citizenship helped 38 international companies with their submissions, from consulting on queries and traffic-light analysis to helping teams align their thinking on DJSI and managing their whole response. Highlights from last year:

  • Between 2015 and 2017, our DJSI clients’ overall scores improved by an average of 10 points. The biggest increase in a single year was 39 points.
  • In 2017, over 80% of our DJSI clients were included in at least one index.
  • Three of our DJSI clients have reached industry leader status, including two industry group leaders.
  • 13 of our Chilean clients have secured entry to the DJSI Chile, and 10 were included in the new DJSI MILA Pacific Alliance index. One has  also entered the DJSI World – only the second Chilean company ever to do so.
2018 saw new changes to the methodology - if you need support understanding, or clarification around your scores, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

LBG Annual Conferences

LBG, the global standard in measuring and managing corporate community investment, are inviting members to register and secure their places early for our upcoming Annual Conferences.

The London conference "Revolution", is kindly hosted by members KPMG, with guest speakers from RobecoSAM and Corporate Citizenship co-founders Amanda Jordan and Mike Tuffrey. We are pleased to announce Matt Sparkes, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Linklaters and Chair of the UK advisory board for LBG will be our special guest keynote speaker at the Melbourne conference "Going Global" in November, kindly hosted by Australia Post. Both conferences will unveil findings from the latest "State of CCI" survey.

Register for LONDON Conference
Register for MELBOURNE Conference

Launch of Responsible Business Briefings in Australia

Corporate Citizenship is pleased to launch a new suite of Responsible Business Briefings, a series of boardroom round-tables for CEOs, senior leaders and CSR professionals from Australia’s leading companies. Attendees will gain insights into how companies can drive impact for society and business. Sessions will be delivered by Simon Robinson and Jill Riseley from Corporate Citizenship alongside external experts. Upcoming topics will include:

  • Responding to the trust crisis
  • 5 lessons for executives to build and grow public trust
  • Corporate sustainability and reporting on what matters
  • Trends in corporate reporting in Australia
  • Meeting the evolving investor expectation
  • ESG trends in Australia
  • CSR: the secret weapon in winning the war for talent.

If you would like to subscribe and receive more information, please get in touch with our team.

Catch up on our latest blogs and articles

Taking action on the SDGs: Lessons from Sembcorp Industries
Thomas Milburn

Nineteen years of DJSI at Corporate Citizenship
Peter Truesdale

Navigating TCFD
Sarah Bonham

How to get your Modern Slavery Act together
Nana Guar
Click here for more blogs

We are hiring!

We currently have various opportunities across our global offices for sustainability professionals to join our teams.
View opportunities

Modern Slavery Act

In 2015, UK Modern Slavery Act became law, requiring all commercial organisations with turnover greater than £36 million, and with a presence in the UK, to publish an annual statement on slavery and human trafficking on their websites. The Act will also become law in Australia in the coming weeks. Ahead of this, co-founder Mike Tuffrey takes a look at Corporate Citizenship's experience in the UK and discusses how businesses can mitigate risk and take action. 

Watch webinar

Conference discount codes 2018

We are delighted to be partnering with a number of conferences and summits throughout 2018, offering our readers great discounts:

2018 edie Responsible Retail Conference
London, 20 September 2018
15% discount with code: CCB15

Front Group Business & Climate Risk Summit 2018
London, 1 October 2018
10% discount with code: FG10

Ethical Corp Sustainability Reporting & Communications Summit
London, 10-11 October 2018
£200 discount with code: CC200

Ethical Corp Supply Chain Summit
London, 10-11 October 2018
£200 discount with code: CC200

Ethical Corp Responsible Business Summit West
London, 12-14 November 2018
$200 discount with code: CC200

Copyright © 2018 Corporate Citizenship. All rights reserved.

Our mailing addresses:
London: 5th Floor Holborn Gate, 326-330 Holborn Gate, London, WC1V 7PP
Melbourne: Unit 3, Level 7, 60 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205
New York: 440 9th Ave, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001

San Francisco: 6th Floor, 220 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104
Santiago: Av. Kennedy 5735 Oficina 1503, Santiago, Chile
Singapore: 2 Science Park Drive, The Bridge, Ascent Building #01-03 Singapore, 118222

Contact us:
London: +44 (0)20 7861 1616
Melbourne: +61 (3) 8639 05482 
New York: +1 212 226 3702
San Francisco: +1 415 656 9383
Santiago: +56 2 247 9008
Singapore: +65 6822 2203

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