Glycosmedia Weekly Diabetes News Update
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Glycosmedia Weekly Diabetes News - 07/01/2016

Disturbed eating behaviors in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. How to screen for yellow flags in clinical practice?

Half of the adolescents reported body and weight concerns, less than 1 in 10 reported DEBs. Screening for yellow flags for DEBs as a part of clinical routine using a stepwise approach and early assistance is recommended to prevent onset or deterioration of DEBs (Pediatric Diabetes)

Distinct clinical characteristics and therapeutic modalities for diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

DKA patients with type 2 diabetes required management with a modified treatment protocol to resolve their profound hyperglycemia and dehydration compared with those with type 1 diabetes (Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications)

Gastric bypass reduces symptoms and hormonal responses in hypoglycemia

The Edinburgh Hypoglycemia symptom delta scores during clamp were attenuated from 10.7 (6.4) before to 5.2 (4.9) after surgery. There were also marked post-surgery reductions in glucagon, cortisol, catecholamine and sympathetic nerve responses to hypoglycemia (Diabetes)

Prevalence and Comorbidities of Double Diabetes

Double diabetes [type 1 diabetes and features of metabolic syndrome] seems to be an independent and important risk factor for persons with type 1 diabetes in developing macrovascular and microvascular comorbidities (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice)

Corneal Endothelial Morphology in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetic children have thicker corneas, lower ECD, an increased polymegathism, and a decreased pleomorphism. The duration of diabetes is the factor that affects all of these changes  (Journal of Diabetes Research)

National Diabetes Inpatient Audit 2015

The report presents the 2015 results and analyses the changes in activity and outcomes over the last four contributory years (2010 to 2013)

HbA1c levels as a function of emotional regulation and emotional intelligence in patients with type 2 diabetes

These data suggest that aspects of emotional regulation and emotional intelligence play a role in glycemic control in adult patients with T2 diabetes and do so even in the context of several variables relevant to diabetes (Primary Care Diabetes)



13th Global Diabetes Conference & Medicare Expo


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