iGlarLixi lowered glycated haemoglobin more versus iGlar regardless of T2D duration, with benefit retained even among patients with the longest T2D duration (Diabetes Therapy) The literature demonstrated that SGLT2i may be cost-effective compared to many antidiabetic therapies including DPP-4i, SU, TZD, AGI, insulin, and standard care (Economics and Policy in Diabetes) We hope that this document will help pragmatically support those involved in the day to day care of people with type 2 diabetes in the “here and now”, with the aim of maximizing the benefits and minimizing harm Based on these findings, liraglutide should be considered suitable for patients with T2D with or without a history of NYHA functional class I to III HF (Journal of the American College of Cardiology) New Draft Guidance Considers Broader Evaluations Beyond Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials The results are reassuring, as they confirm that the efficacy profile of gliflozins is unchanged by age, and may further enhance the CV protection offered by statin (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice) Adults with onset of type 2 diabetes at a younger age were less likely to achieve glycemic control at 1 year following diagnosis, suggesting the need for tailored care approaches to improve outcomes for this high-risk patient population (Diabetes Care) Intensive glucose-lowering therapy was effective at preventing incident coronary heart disease and CVD events in ACCORD study participants with the Hp2-2 phenotype but not in Hp1 carriers, who had increased mortality risk from intensive therapy (Journal of the American College of Cardiology)