In this young population with T1D and high rates of hyperfiltration, osteopontin was the most consistent biomarker associated with prospective changes in eGFR. FGF‐23 was associated with eGFR increases, whereas TF‐3, cystatin C and B2M were only associated with baseline eGFR (Pediatric Diabetes) Patients with LADA positive for either of the autoantibodies (GAD65, ZnT8 and IAA) presented with worse glycemic control. Measurement of these autoantibodies can assist in discrimination of these patients and help with earlier control of glycemic profile (Primary Care Diabetes) There is heterogeneous, yet consistent data supporting the beneficial effects of SLGT2is on inflammatory and oxidative stress. Change in serum CRP appears to be independent of change in HbA1c (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice) In addition to standard treatment, sulodexide is efficient in maintaining proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes with nonnephrotic range proteinuria, but it did not provide an additional benefit concerning renal disease progression (Journal of Diabetes Research) Their latest guidance on the detection, management and prevention of Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus have just been launched (ABCD) In this real‐world study, second‐line gliclazide MR was more effective than sitagliptin in reducing HbA1c, with similar durability and persistence and low rates of hypoglycaemic events, in individuals with type 2 diabetes on metformin treatment and HbA1c above the target of 7.0% (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) National diabetes registries confer clear insights into diagnostics, complications, and treatment. The extent to which registries influenced national healthcare policy was less clear (Acta Diabetologica) Metformin therapy is associated with a significantly reduced risk of colorectal disease in patients with diabetes, and it is necessary to conduct larger, more standardized clinical studies to verify this conclusion (International Journal of Colorectal Disease)