Periodical dosing of vitamin B12 should be performed in the case of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus treated with metformin, especially if they associate anemia and/or peripheral diabetic polyneuropathy (Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity) In a cohort of hypertensive patients who had DM but no history of cardiovascular disease, lower BP was associated with lower risk of cardiovascular events especially at the age of < 70. However, low BP < 130–139/80–89 mmHg was not associated with decreased cardiovascular risk, it may be better to keep the BP of 130–139/80–89 mmHg at the age of ≥ 70 (Cardiovascular Diabetology) Use of rtCGM led to sustained improvements in hypoglycemia-related glucose control over 24 months. Lower fear of hypoglycemia, less acute hypoglycemia-related events, and diabetes-related days off from work were observed, particularly in those with IAH (Diabetes Care) The development of IR in obese subjects is associated with decline in MCRI that represents a compensatory response to maintain normal glucose tolerance but is impaired in T2DM individuals (Diabetes) High plasma concentrations of MR-proANP contributed to a lower risk of incident T2D, whereas high plasma concentrations of copeptin were associated with an increased risk of incident prediabetes/T2D (Cardiovascular Diabetology)