Glycosmedia Weekly Diabetes News Update
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Glycosmedia Weekly Diabetes News - 04/02/2021

Abnormal N-Glycosylation of Human Lens Epithelial Cells in Type-2 Diabetes May Contribute to Cataract Progression

These results suggest that over-expression of N-glycosidically linked human type 1 cytokeratin may induce capsule disruption and affect selective permeability, allowing the entry of different molecules to the lens that facilitate cataract progression (Clinical Ophthalmology)

Prescription of glucose-lowering therapies and risk of COVID-19 mortality in people with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide observational study in England

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is no clear indication to change prescribing of glucose-lowering drugs in people with type 2 diabetes (Lancet)

Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management (update)

In development [GID-NG10159] Expected publication date: 21 July 2021. A list of downloadable documents created during development (NICE)

Insulin Metrics: Need for Development of Consensus Standards for Reporting of Insulin Dosing Data

There is an urgent need for the diabetes community to work toward developing a consensus regarding the most effective methods to characterize and report insulin dosing data and to integrate insulin and glucose data reports (Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics)

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