In this nationwide Medicare cohort, initiating an SGLT-2i was not associated with an increased risk of fracture in older adults with T2D compared with initiating a DPP-4i or GLP-1RA, with consistent results across categories of frailty, age, and insulin use (JAMA) There is a potential to identify both T2D and T1D at stages well before the onset of currently recognized clinical disease (Diabetes) This analysis used three nationwide registries of persons with T1D. Despite recent use of more effective diabetes therapies, a substantial proportion of persons with T1D have renal complications at < 20 years after diagnosis. Efficient glucose-lowering and renal-protective strategies are needed in persons with T1D (Diabetes Therapy) This is the largest comprehensive review of RCTs in this area. It demonstrates a lack of robust evidence that interventions to improve glucose control preserve beta cell function in new onset type 1 diabetes, although analysis was hampered by low quality evidence and inconsistent reporting of studies (Diabetic Medicine) Universal early pregnancy HbA1c appears feasible as an early screening test for women at risk of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy and would expedite and increase screening in Aboriginal women compared to an early OGTT (Primary Care Diabetes) Nonadherence to CPGs on T2DM is a multifactorial problem but the existence multiple CPGs, the lack of time, the therapeutic inertia, and insufficient human resources have been identified as factors limiting adherence. Hypoglycemia continues to be a barrier for achievement of targets recommended by CPGs (Journal of Diabetes Research) In this study, history of established ASCVD was associated with different hHF risks among SGLT2 inhibitors. For T2D patients without ASCVD, dapagliflozin may offer a more favorable hHF reduction effect, compared to empagliflozin, in clinical practice. Future prospective studies should be conducted to validate our findings (Cardiovascular Diabetology) The prediction model for the onset risk of IFG had good predictive ability in the health check-up cohort (BMC Endocrine Disorders) In persons with type 2 diabetes, improvements in ≥2 risk markers conferred cardiovascular risk reduction versus none or 1 improved risk marker. The nephropathy risk decreased with improvement in more risk markers. These findings stress the importance of multifactorial interventions targeting all risk markers (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism)