Collectively, our findings demonstrated a positive association between ADIPOQ + 276 G > T polymorphism with increased risk of T2D in male individuals with European ethnicity (Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome) Despite some gender differences in baseline characteristics, Gla-300 treatment improved glycaemic control, with overall low hypoglycaemia incidences in both men and women. However, women had statistically significantly lower HbA1c reductions than men, although these differences were clinically modest (Diabetes Therapy) Elevated HbA1c levels were associated with cardiovascular disease incidence and overall mortality in participants without diabetes underlining the importance of HbA1c levels in the overall population (Cardiovascular Diabetology) The utilization of GLP-1 RA has been increasing over the past decade, and GLP-1 RAs have been used in patients with limited treatment options, such as the elderly or those with CKD. In T2DM patients with CKD, the persistence proportion of GLP-1 RAs was not low, and the renal dysfunction may be moderated by GLP-1 RA initiation (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) The identified factors for dysglycemia could be used for risk assessment in glucose management requirement in critically ill patients, which may improve clinical outcomes (Acta Diabetologica) We expect that this paper will help clinicians interpret MODY genetics results with greater confidence. Discrepancies in certain middle-eastern countries need to be investigated as other genes or factors, like consanguinity may be involved in developing diabetes (BMC Endocrine Disorders)