Modeling CKD in T2DM is an active research area, with a trend towards IPS models developed from non-Western data and single data sources, primarily recent outcomes trials of novel renoprotective treatments (Diabetes Therapy) Muscle cramps occur frequently in diabetes and are correlated with diabetic retinopathy and albumin. Patients with PDR exhibited a higher frequency, severity, and longer duration relative to those with NPDR or without DR (Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity) In patients stratified according to the cutoff age of 35 years, the optimal detection sequence should be GADA, IA-2A, and ZnT8A in younger patients and GADA, ZnT8A, and IA-2A in older patients, so as to reduce the screening cost while improving the detection rate. Particularly, the ZnT8A test is recommended in older patients to avoid a missed LAD diagnosis (Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics) This study included children and young people who were labelled ‘disengaged’ with their diabetes care. Interviews explored what they would like to change about current diabetes services (NIHR) In an 8-week outpatient study, addition of 5 mg daily empagliflozin to commercially available AID or PLGS systems significantly improved daytime glucose control in individuals with T1D, without increased hypoglycemia risk. However, the risk of ketosis and ketoacidosis remains (Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics) This review evaluates current anti-hyperglycemic treatment in the context of AF, and discusses AF-related decision-making in comorbid DM (Cardiovascular Diabetology) Results of our meta-analysis revealed that GLP-1 RA treatment decreases urinary albumin excretion and albumin to creatinine ratio but it did not cause significant changes in creatinine levels and glomerular filtration rate (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology) Report and illustrate the essential components of an AGP review in a series of hypothetical, real-world, patient-centred case studies (Diabetes Therapy) The TyG index and CAP showed a significant association in CHD patients (Cardiovascular Diabetology)