This post hoc subgroup analysis suggests that intensive SBP lowering does not increase the risk of major adverse kidney events in individuals with T2DM and cardiovascular risk factors (Diabetes Care) In this cohort study, COVID-19 infection was associated with increased risk of diabetes, consistent findings of a meta-analysis. Our results suggest that this risk persisted as the Omicron variant became predominant, and the association remained even after accounting for temporal confounders (JAMA) Weekly BIF achieved a similar efficacy compared with degludec despite higher fasting glucose targets in the BIF groups. Higher fasting glucose targets and lower glucose variability might have contributed to lower hypoglycaemia rates for BIF compared with degludec. These findings support continued development of BIF as a once-weekly insulin treatment for people with diabetes (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology) Incidence of type 1 diabetes varies by age, sex and socio-economic status and has remained approximately stable from 2006 to 2019 in Scotland (Diabetic Medicine) Self-adjusting insulin pump settings, optimal timing and few omissions of meal boluses, and timely change of infusion set are associated with lower HbA1c (Diabetic Medicine) Early onset type 2 diabetes is a growing global health problem in adolescents and young adults, especially in countries with a low-middle and middle sociodemographic index. A greater disease burden in women aged <30 years was found (BMJ)