In this trial involving young children with type 1 diabetes, the glucose level was in the target range for a greater percentage of time with a closed-loop system than with standard care (NEJM) An update including recently developed glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide/GLP-1 receptor co-agonist tirzepatide (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) SGLT2i treatment in T2DM is associated with a reduced incidence of ISR-related events, independently of glycemic control (BMC Medicine) Among the novel antidiabetic drugs, SGLT2 inhibitors consistently improved UACR and albuminuria outcomes in patients with T2D, with continuous treatment showing long-term benefit (Diabetes Therapy) Results from this post hoc analysis of data from SWITCH PRO, one of the first large interventional clinical studies to use TIR as the primary outcome, further support TIR as a valid clinical indicator of glycemic control (Diabetes Therapy) Intensive glucose control may not affect cardiovascular disease progression except in select subgroups. Since time-to-first event analysis may miss beneficial or harmful effects of glucose control on the risk of cardiovascular disease, recurrent events analysis should be routine in cardiovascular outcome trials, particularly when investigating long-term treatment effects (Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews) Dulaglutide 1.5 mg reduced SBP and pulse pressure in people with T2D across the placebo-controlled trials in the AWARD program (Cardiovascular Diabetology) In this post hoc analysis of the REWIND placebo group, WHR, WC and/or WC adjusted for HC were risk factors for MACE-3, CVD-related mortality, and all-cause mortality; while BMI was only a risk factor for HF requiring hospitalization (Cardiovascular Diabetology) The increasing incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children and young people in the USA will result in an expanding population of young adults at risk of developing early complications of diabetes whose health-care needs will exceed those of their peers. Findings regarding age and season of diagnosis will inform focused prevention efforts (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology)