The Soapbox: A weekly roundup of TNR’s political coverage
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A weekly roundup of TNR's political coverage
Go Ahead, Republicans, Pass a National Sales Tax
No wonder Joe Biden is licking his chops. We can only hope House Republicans are this stupid.
by Timothy Noah
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—Jason Linkins, deputy editor
Ruben Gallego’s rollout was strong. And a credible Democratic candidate means Sinema’s path to reelection is awfully narrow.
by Daniel Strauss
Conservatives are using identity politics in the wake of the California killings to divert attention from a universal fact: All of these tragedies are fueled by the easy access to guns.
by Alex Shephard
Conservatives talked a good game about letting states decide their own abortion policy right up until one state refused to toe the line.
by Matt Ford
How an extreme transformation in American religion poses an existential threat to our democracy
by Katherine Stewart
From the magazine:
See how well you tell apart the fabulists from “Seinfeld” and Congress.
by The New Republic

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