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Join us for an intensive course focusing on in-depth clinical documentation training

In-depth clinical documentation training to take your CDI skills to the next level 

Do you want to go beyond quoting buzzwords and reminding physicians to capture the next CC?


If you do, our Clinical Validation in CDI Boot Camp Online is for you. It will increase your understanding in a way that will move your CDI practice from query to collaboration. And now you can get ACDIS-supported training in a flexible online format that allows you to learn at your own pace on your own schedule!

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February 22, 2022

And more class start dates are available!


This course will help you:

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Increase your understanding of key pathophysiological concepts

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Improve the quality of clinical indicators used when you query

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Improve your ability to distinguish evidence-based clinical indicators from other data in the record


60 day availability

View video sessions and complete all assignments, including review of all answer keys 60 days after your purchase date


24-hour access

Video instruction is available at any time of day—you choose the time that works for you. 

Need help?

Email any questions to our instructors who will get back to you either via email or phone