August 28, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Stop me if you've heard this one before...

"Tiny stock owns the biggest gold mine in the U.S. and NOBODY knows about it."   

OK, fine, that's how about half of the junior mining pitches begin (the other half are Indiana Jones stories about flying a helicopter to an obscure hellscape in a country you've never thought much about)... but still, when the market gets jittery, thoughts turn to the shiny yellow metal, so what's the pitch this time?  It's an ad from Gerardo Del Real at Junior Resource Monthly, and he says this $4 stock could be the "greatest gold trade ever."  That was enough to make me curious and turn on the Thinkolator... just click below to....

We don't generally offer sales or discounts at Stock Gumshoe, we charge a reasonable price and just raise it gradually as our costs go up over time...

... but we created a new version of our membership this year and I'm putting in an Early Adopter Discount for those who decide to try out our new Irregulars Plus+ Ad Free option this summer -- the price will bump up in September, but every subscription we offer is always locked in, existing subscribers will never see their cost increase (some of our most loyal readers are still paying 2008 prices), so you can keep the discount price for as long as you like.  Our first few guinea pigs have been delighted, I think you'll like it...

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Last week was pretty nutty... especially for August.  Big picture obsession over NVIDIA led into a focus on Jerome Powell, but throughout we waded through a river of constant teaser pitches... 

We started with the "War on Elon" teased by Stansberry, which turned out to be a repeat of his "secret energy grid" pitch...

Then it was time for yet another "A.I." stock tease -- this one from Cabot, for a little company I had never heard of before, he says it's "at the center of dozens of global corporations."

And Green Chip popped in to tease us about the "self-charging car"... even though the last "self-charging car" stock they teased went bankrupt.  Hope springs eternal.  

The A.I. teasers stacked up when Shah Gilani teased three A.I. "breakthrough" stocks, all quite small.

And we had to check in on two older stories that are being circulated again -- Brad Thomas' story about "Amazon's Secret Royalty Program" now has a September 10th "start date" -- but it's otherwise the same story we've explained before.

And I spent a lot of time digging into Porter's "God's Investment Account" story a couple months ago for the Irregulars, but opened that story up for free readers on Friday.

Finally, it seems impossible to do anything but throw all my attention at NVIDIA each quarter when they release their earnings, particularly when the story changes so thoroughly each time as the numbers far exceed any reasonable estimates, so that’s where the Friday File took us to end the week... what's a reasonable "buy" range for NVIDIA now?  Should we want to buy it at all?  Details below.

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
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