Gold Hill, Colorado

Ensure your home is properly insured

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 02:27 PM PDT

  From Garry Sanfaçon, A critical component of being vigilant and prepared is making sure your home is adequately insured. Government and charitable aid programs will not cover the cost of rebuilding a destroyed home. And agents, brokers and insurers often underestimate your home’s replacement cost. Finally, oral promises by insurance reps that you’re fully […]

Donal and St. Patrick’s Day

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:02 AM PDT

FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS! Many people have accused me of not hosting a St Patrick’s Day party last year! But the truth is that not having a party last year simply did not happen! There WAS a party and it was a HUGE success…the best ever! No one has ever had a better party. And […]