Editor's note: Every day, the Crux team sifts through hundreds of financial newspapers, websites, shareholder reports, magazines, and advisories and selects only the best and most interesting things to read. If you'd like to receive The Crux for free, click here.

For the week's most popular Crux stories, read on...

It's happening... Unpaid subprime car loans hit 20-year high
"Americans with lower credit scores are falling behind on auto payments at an alarming pace..."

The TERRIBLE oil news nobody noticed...
"While every news outlet shouted about Iran and OPEC, a U.S. energy icon quietly announced news that could potentially shatter the industry..."

Chris Mayer: How to invest like Trump
"It won't matter much whether Donald Trump wins the presidency or not. But Trump can teach us a thing or two about investing..."

Here's how the GOP establishment can still thwart Trump...
"Political parties – not voters – choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories..."

Is this company the next Enron?
"Never have so many of the smartest people on Wall Street been so wrong. And what happens next could send ripples throughout the entire market..."

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Where to get short-term yield... outside of stocks
"There is so much fear in the marketplace that investors are willing to accept a negative return on their money. They're worried that if they choose another avenue – such as keeping their money in cash – the results would be even worse. That's insane. And scary..."

This is one of the safest ways to earn a 6.5% yield in this crazy market
"You see, the advantage to investing in this sector isn't just that it's safe... or nearly unknown outside of a group of select Wall Street 'insiders'... It also returns a higher yield than nearly any other safe investment you could make today..."

Ron Paul: Loretta Lynch and the government war on free speech
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted that she asked the FBI to examine whether the federal government should take legal action against so-called climate change deniers..."

Proof that share buybacks are propping up the stock market...
"S&P 500 constituents are poised to repurchase as much as $165 billion of stock this quarter, approaching a record reached in 2007..."

'What I learned losing $50 million of other people's money'
"I was managing a hedge fund that invested mostly in Russian stocks – at a time when the Russian stock market fell by 80% within seven months. Here's what I learned..."

A breakout in silver... but be patient
"With interest rates going negative in many parts of the world the case for precious metals is going up. Gold has taken the lead. Don't be surprised if silver soon follows. But be patient..."

Another record-setting month for silver coin sales...
"What is most stunning about this performance is the fact that it comes at a time when the mint is rationing sales of these rounds, and limiting their supply to wholesalers..."

The 'smart money' is turning bearish on gold right now
"The Market Vectors Gold Miners Fund (GDX) is up around 55% since mid-January. But all rallies eventually end. And it looks like the next few weeks could be rough for the 'gold bugs'..."

Jim Rickards: Why the U.S. government won't confiscate your gold...
"The typical rejoinder is, 'What's the point of owning gold? They're just going to confiscate it like Roosevelt did in 1933.' I find that extremely unlikely..."

Gold stocks: Prepare for a 'violent move to the downside'
"There's a good chance we're now nearing – or in the early stages of – the first violent move to the downside..."

Bill Bonner: Will Donald Trump end up like JFK?
"Clinton is plainly the most obvious choice of the Deep State insiders. She and her husband played a major role in helping it get where it is today. As for Donald Trump, no one is sure what he'll do..."

Why this election year could have a 'YUGE' effect on markets...
"Ready or not, here they come. Only four months remain before we find out who the next presidential nominees will be and a mere eight months before we elect one of them to lead the world's largest economy..."

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