Editor’s note: Occasionally, we come across ideas that we simply have to forward to you. This one is about a resurgent gold and mining sector...and comes courtesy of our friends at The Daily Reckoning Australia.

Dear Reader,

See this little gold USB stick Shae Russell is holding?

She tells me this thumb drive could give you a great advantage in the gold market this year.

So obviously, I plugged it into my computer...

Turns out, it’s full of insight...wisdom...and knowledge from some of sharpest investment minds, gold experts and most successful wealth builders of the last 20-plus years.

They each have a story to tell about gold, including:

  • Why we’ve arrived at this point in gold’s rich history...
  • Where this could all lead — not just in terms of a new investment boom, but also maybe in terms of a new monetary standard...
  • And — crucially — how to buy before the boom to potentially make big gains over the course of what Shae believes is the ‘third great bull market’ in gold...

There’s one of these USB sticks here — for you — at our office in Albert Park.

Go here to claim it.


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Rum Rebellion