Also: Cision executive’s light-bulb moment on metrics, Dallas Cowboys win warm and furry social media love, and Kaiser Permanente strike takes a hiatus due to CEO’s death.
Also: Cision executive’s light-bulb moment on metrics, Dallas Cowboys win warm and furry social media love, and Kaiser Permanente strike takes a hiatus due to CEO’s death.
Modern messaging relies on storytelling, and vivid language lies at the heart of the most compelling yarns. Here’s guidance on how to use playful, vibrant prose to superb effect.
You don’t simply sign the contract, put a few coins in the slot, and wait for your shiny new campaign to be dispensed. Research, parameters and regular check-ins are crucial for success.
For one young pro, the realization that PR research has personal ramifications as well as guiding future campaigns sparked a key insight. Now Cision’s chief insights officer, he recounts the tale.
So many of today’s employees are asked to do so much more in less time and with fewer resources. Add family and societal pressures, and safety valves are vital. Heed this advice.
Effective usage is not simply about avoiding the wrong term or phrase. Precision and power rev up your text and keep readers driving on to the finish line: your overarching message.