Media Winners & Losers

Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has become a familiar face during the Covid-19 pandemic, sharing his advice for reducing transmission, explaining how the vaccines work, and correcting misinformation. A set of interviews he conducted with medical advisers in the administration of former President Donald Trump cast a spotlight on a critical aspect of America's coronavirus response strategy and is a must-watch.

One of the most stunning segments was with former CDC Director Robert Redfield, who said he believes the coronavirus escaped from a Wuhan lab.

“I’m of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathology in Wuhan was from a laboratory. Escaped. Other people don’t believe that. That’s fine. Science will eventually figure it out,” Redfield said in an interview that aired on New Day Friday.

“It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker,” he said. “That’s not implying any intentionality. It’s my opinion, right? But I am a virologist. I have spent my life in virology.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci diplomatically disagreed.

Fox News Channel

It's a stressful day for the Fox News Channel. 

Dominion Voting Systems, a company subject to a torrent of conspiracy theories from Trump and his allies seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election, has sued Fox News for $1.6 billion.

Dominion accused Fox of spreading false claims that the company helped rig the 2020 election in favor of President Joe Biden.

“Fox, one of the most powerful media companies in the United States, gave life to a manufactured storyline about election fraud that cast a then-little known voting machine company called Dominion as the villain,” the suit stated.

If this story gives you déjà vu, it's because Smartmatic Voting Systems already sued Fox News for $2.7 billion earlier this year

Fox News has denied the allegations in both lawsuits, but they did respond to the letter from Smartmatic demanding a retraction and apology by airing a “fact check” segment on Lou DobbsJeanine Pirro, and Maria Bartiromo’s shows.

Just last night, Laura Ingraham had to awkwardly interrupt Trump in the middle of yet another rant claiming election fraud. 

It's not a great look for a news channel.

MSNBC and Peacock host Mehdi Hasan said he was prepared to dump his entire interview with Rep. Dan Crenshaw if he refused to admit President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.

The hard-charging interviewer was on the hot seat as this week's guest on The Interview.

The A-Block

Biden's first press conference

Biden held the first press conference of his presidency on Thursday, and people have opinions about it.

In a response to a question from CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Biden declared that yes, he did intend to run for re-election in 2024.

There were questions about the situation at the border, U.S. troops in Afghanistan, efforts by Republican state legislators to change election laws, and filibuster reform.

He didn't answer any questions about the coronavirus pandemic. To be fair, that's because the reporters didn't ask any. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said it's also because Biden's been so good at responding to the pandemic. 

Morning Joe praised Biden as a "problem solver," compared to Trump, who delivered "a bunch of lies."

Fox & Friends compiled a brutal montage from the conference. Chris Wallace criticized Biden for using a briefing book for reference. And Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy was miffed he didn't get called on. He apparently "had a binder full of questions."

But Gerald Rivera offered a subtle critique of his Fox News colleagues when he said that Biden "was not the pathetic senile incomprehensible old fool some critics predicted he would be in an hour-long press conference, he did a substantively fine job, answered most of the questions."

Mediate's Joe DePaolo called out the White House for the "bizarre room setup," which was "so clearly performative," arguing that it seemed designed more to shield Biden from the reporters than offer any pandemic safeguards.

In Other News...

Trump Defends Capitol Attackers: ‘They Are Waving the American Flag and They Love Our Country’

WATCH: GA State Troopers Forcibly Remove State Rep from Capitol After She Tries to Crash Governor's Signing of New Voting Restrictions Bill (UPDATED) 

Ted Cruz's 'Live Footage from Rio Grande' Video Draws MAGA Praise and Blue Check Ridicule: 'Not an SNL Sketch'

• Fox Digs Up Clip of Obama Defending Filibuster in 2005: One Party Shouldn't 'Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game'

Must See Clip

'Tornadoes happen to real people, at a real place, at a real time."

James Spann, a meteorologist with local ABC 33/40 in Birmingham, had the stressful experience of reporting on a natural disaster while it was striking close to home. 


When Spann realized the location of one of the deadly tornadoes that struck the Birmingham area Thursday, he took a moment to text his wife a warning, while on live TV.

The tornado did strike their home but she was fortunately ok.

Watch the harrowing segment here.

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