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Published by: District Administration 2/6/2017
Top News
The Mercury News

The program—called Personal Leadership Training—equips students with physical self-defense skills and emotional ones as well, and helps them navigate the shoals of teenhood, tough academic demands, the storms of their rough neighborhood and social media. Read more>>

The Courier-Journal

Education Secretary Hal Heiner suggests federal education funding should follow the student, while local education funding would stay in the home district. He said parents are "children's first and primary teachers" and should be responsible for making decisions about where their children attend schools. Read more>>

With the support of a packed room of activist groups, parents and students, the board voted unanimously to prohibit all weapons from school-affiliated property. The policy, which applies outside school hours, prohibits students, staff and visitors from carrying a gun regardless of a concealed weapons permit. Read more>>

From DA Magazine

College and Career Readiness at Chichester School District

Districts of Distinction

The Chichester School District’s college acceptance rate increased 19 percent after administrators launched an initiative designed to steer economically disadvantaged students toward higher ed. Chichester was recognized as a 2016 District Administration District of Distinction. Read their story and apply now for the 2017 awards. Read more>>

The Spokesman-Review

Changes come after feedback from students, parents and teachers indicated the current system was causing an academic arms race. Within the next five years, Spokane Public Schools will end the valedictorian system as well as rankings for high school students.  Read more>>

Associated Press via Concord Monitor

New Hampshire House passes one bill that would require school districts to provide parents at least two weeks’ notice about material related to human sexuality, and a second that would allow parents to decide whether their children participate in statewide assessments. Read more>>

The Oregonian

To keep 26 children from being yanked out of their Northeast Portland elementary school mid-school-year, Multnomah County will spend $48,000 to cover the steep rent increases that threatened to displace them and their families. It's an unusual move and won't become the norm. Read more>>

From DA Magazine

Schools try to remove stress of class rankings

Matt Zalaznick

Millard Public Schools near Omaha, Nebraska, will switch to a college-like ranking system that designates graduates as magna cum laude, summa cum laude and cum laude. Read more>>

Worcester Telegram

Thanks to a 1.7 percent increase in enrollment, along with other factors, Worcester could see a roughly $9 million increase in revenue. But because of salary increases, rising health insurance costs and other new expenses, keeping operations at the same level in fiscal 2018 will require a $10.6 million spending increase. Read more>>

Wisconsin State Journal

Six years after engineering massive cuts to public schools, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will propose a record level of K-12 education funding. In total, Walker would send $11.5 billion to public, charter and private voucher schools in the two years starting July 1, including $649 million in new spending.  Read more>>

Opinion & Analysis
The Boston Globe

Under threat of receivership, the mayor, superintendent and the teachers union president in Springfield crafted a first-of-its-kind plan for a Massachusetts school system that spun off the middle schools into what effectively is their own miniature school system. Read more>>


We’ve gotten used to explaining the segregation we see in our schools by pointing to the segregation we see in our neighborhoods. It seems pretty simple: Kids who don’t live in the same place aren’t likely to go to the same school. But that explanation has it backwards. Read more>>


Across rural Minnesota last year, voters in more than 20 school districts rejected requests for more taxpayer money to build. In some districts, farmland accounts for more than 90 percent of the tax base for school construction projects — even though farm families often make up only a small sliver of taxpayers and students. Read more>>

Financial Times

In chalets scattered across the snow in California’s ski country, a school of the future is taking shape. Warm inside a classroom, teenage twins Laurel and Bryce Dettering are part of a Silicon Valley experiment to teach students to outperform machines. Read more>>

Industry News

The newly released myON version 3.7 provides a variety of features, including more beginning reader support, updated standard alignments to titles on myON, additional faculty reports, and read-aloud speed options for any book in the collection. Read more>>


Principal Educators Professional Inventory is an instrument that measures candidates’ strengths on dozens of data points to help match candidate characteristics to school needs so school district leaders can objectively assess principal applicants and accurately predict their impact on student achievement. Read more>>


VitalSource and LearnLaunch are working together to bring new ideas and innovation to educational technology. VitalSource, involved in the creation and delivery of digital content, will provide support and mentoring to promising start-ups and collaborate with LearnLaunch on community events as well. Read more>>

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