

Google Accidentally Sent Video Backups to Strangers Analyst Believes Microsoft Could Buy Salesforce
Google accidentally downloaded and saved some users’ videos to the wrong archives, essentially sending them to complete strangers.  Piper Sandler analyst Brent Bracelin is predicting Microsoft could buy Salesforce if it became available.
Google’s Troubles Mount As DOJ Focuses On Ad Tools
2020 Could Be ‘Breakout Year’ For Apple Wearables
The Justice Department is ramping up its investigation into Google, focusing heavily on the company’s ad tools. Jefferies analyst Kyle McNealy believes 2020 may be a “breakout year” for Apple wearables.

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Blackpool England Using AI to Help Fix Potholes Coronavirus Could Impact iPhone Production
The English town of Blackpool is using artificial intelligence (AI) in an innovative way: to help fix potholes. The coronavirus may impact Foxconn production of the Apple iPhone, according to reports.
Jigsaw Unveils Assembler Tool to Help Spot Deepfakes
Apple TV App and Apple TV+ Now Available on 2019 LG TVs
Alphabet-owned company Jigsaw has unveiled a new tool called Assembler to help journalists spot doctored images and deepfakes. LG has announced that the Apple TV app and Apple TV+ are now available on compatible 2019 smart TVs.

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