In this issue, November 12, 2019 View it in your browser.

Google Applies BERT to Search, Ecstasy Programming Language, Rust, WebAssembly, Google Cardboard, Testing Microservices, Everyday Efficiencies, TensorFlow.js

Get the best discount for QCon New York 2020 before Dec 14th.

Registration for QCon New York 2020 (June 15-19) is open. Take advantage of the best discount possible and save $1070 if you register before December 14th. Don’t miss the chance to hear what are the new tech trends and what should be on your radar in 2020.



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Victor Dibia on TensorFlow.js and Building Machine Learning Models with JavaScript

Victor Dibia is a research engineer with Cloudera’s Fast Forward Labs. On today’s podcast, Wes Reisz and Victor Dibia talk about the realities of building machine learning in the browser. The two discuss the capabilities, limitations, process, and realities around using TensorFlow.js. (Podcast)

Travis Kimmel on What Makes a Good Engineering Manager

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Travis Kimmel of Gitprime about the challenges of being an engineering manager, the value of metrics and how to use them wisely. (Podcast)

Legacy is one of the biggest pain points for our readers

InfoQ wants to understand how we can help you better. Take the InfoQ Readers’ Survey by the end of November and find out what challenges your peers are facing.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Alexa Research Paper Shows Genetic Algorithms Offer Best Solution for Neural Network Optimization

Google Applies NLP Algorithm BERT to Search

BERT, Google's latest NLP algorithm, will power Google search and make it better at understanding user queries in a way more similar to how humans would understand them, writes Pandu Nayak, Google fellow and vice president for Search, with one in 10 queries providing a different set of results. (News)



DevOps for Dummies

The 3rd edition of this eBook helps you understand the real business benefits of DevOps, takes you through the ten biggest myths, and describes how to use DevOps to solve new challenges. It also explores IBM’s own successful transition to DevOps. Download now.


  1. Managing Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Platforms with Microsoft Azure Arc

  2. TriggerMesh Announces EveryBridge Serverless Event Bus

  3. Google Introduces TensorFlow Enterprise in Beta

  4. CPDoS Attacks Cause CDNs to Deliver Error Pages instead of Expected Results

  5. Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Eirini, and Knative

Newly Announced Ecstasy Programming Language Targets Cloud-Native Computing

Ecstasy has been co-created by former Tangosol founders Cameron Purdy and Gene Gleyzer, and they recently showcased the language at CloudNative London 2019. InfoQ got together with Purdy to ask some questions about the language and the problems it’s designed to solve. (Article)

The Cloud Native Diabolical Developer

Martijn Verburg discusses what it takes to be a cloud-native developer. (Presentation)


  1. Rust Gets Zero-Cost Async/Await Support in Rust 1.39


Kevlin Henney keynotes on some of the failures that people had in various projects and the lessons to be learned from them. (Presentation)



The Engineering Leader's Guide to Cycle Time: Accelerating Software Delivery with Data

"As Engineering organizations grow, so does the complexity of fast and reliable software delivery. Don’t learn by making your own mistakes. This book tells you exactly what to measure, why it matters, and how to fix it.” - Ishan Agrawal, VP Engineering at Funding Societies. Download the eBook.

Porting a Desktop Game Editor to the Browser with WebAssembly

Florian Rival, software engineer at Google, and creator of the GDevelop game editor, discusses the lessons learnt from porting a native desktop game editor to the browser with WebAssembly. InfoQ interviewed Rival on the technical challenges encountered, the benefits derived from the port, and tips for developers thinking about porting desktop applications with WebAssembly. (Article)



Kubernetes and Minikube for DevOps: Download the cheat sheet

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. Learn how to install Minikube, run locally on Minikube, install Kubectl, and use the Kubectl CLI. Download now.

Google Open Sources its Cardboard VR Platform

Low-cost virtual reality (VR) platform Google Cardboard is now available as an open source project to let developers create new VR-powered apps and adapt existing ones to new devices. Google's announcement comes a few weeks after the discontinuation of its Daydream VR platform. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Vlingo Joins the Reactive Foundation

Testing Microservices: Six Case Studies with a Combination of Testing Techniques - Part 3

This article presents six real world use cases of testing microservice-based applications, and demonstrates how a combination of testing techniques can be evaluated, chosen, and implemented. (Article)

See what’s new in Architecture including:

  • Building a High-Performance Networking Protocol for Microservices
  • The Three Pillars of Service Mesh, SMI
  • Event Sourcing: Bernd Rücker on Architecting for Scale
  • And more...



Ballerina: A Language for Network-Distributed Applications (By O’Reilly)

Get started with Ballerina, a general-purpose cloud native programming language that specializes in integration and contains features that incorporate current best practices for web programming, microservices, and DevOps-oriented development. Download the guide.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. DOES 2019: BMW Journey to 100% Agile and BizDevOps Product Portfolio

  2. Being Our Authentic Selves at Work

  3. Digital Factory on a Global Scale: Scaled Agile and DevOps at UBS

Q&A on the Book Change-friendly Leadership

Friendliness is the core denominator for active and willful participation of people when being affected by change, according to Rodger Dean Duncan. In his book CHANGE-friendly LEADERSHIP, he explores how to effectively lead and manage change, transition, and implementation issues in organizations. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Agile Leadership Toolkit

Agile leadership is the art and craft of creating the right environment for self-managing teams. The book Agile Leadership Toolkit by Peter Koning is a practical book that supports existing agile managers and leaders in growing their agile teams and creating the right environment for them. (Article)

Dynamic Reteaming: Acknowledge Reality, Chart Your Path

Heidi Helfand addresses issues: How can we bring a humanistic stance to dynamic reteaming? How can people have ownership over their team change? How to integrate new people without losing the culture? (Presentation)

Continuous Testing in Agile

Dan Ashby discusses several topics regarding testing: what does quality mean, how does software testing help, what is software testing, where does it fit in an Agile world? (Presentation)



Free Scrum Learning Paths

Continue your professional learning with our free online learning paths. These learning paths are targeted by role including: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team Member and Leadership.

Boost Your Team’s Productivity with a Powerful Visual Management!

Artur Margonari discusses tips and tricks around visual management, new concepts and examples to have a powerful visual management and boost a team’s productivity. (Presentation)

Sherlock Holmes Value Detection

Diana Adorno and Richard Young share how Sherlock principles apply to value detection using examples from real life. (Presentation)

10 Years of Transforming Mindset

Hendrik Esser shares from his experience with facilitating mindset change, including several examples of different kinds of people and groups of people he encountered and how he facilitated change. (Presentation)

Developing Developers

Ivan Zimine shares his journey as a developer, doing it alone vs learning from masters, things tried as a technical coach, and lessons learned from running public practical coding sessions for one year. (Presentation)

Everyday Efficiencies

Todd Montgomery explores the everyday things that those with an eye to performance and efficiency do that can be leveraged by anyone to build better software faster. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!