Plus, one of the smallest ITC deals closes
Google said the 115 MW supply agreement would increase the amount of enhanced geothermal capacity Google uses for operations by 25 times.
WeWould Solar has transfered $600,000 of investment tax credits to Creditable Capital via a 1.2 MW solar project outside Gainesville, FL.
kWh Analytics, a clean energy insurance provider, released its 6th annual Solar Risk Assessment, a comprehensive report designed to provide an objective and data-driven evaluation of solar risk.
President Joe Biden's grip on a key federal energy commission will last beyond his first term, giving a boost to the Democrat's push for renewable energy.
CAISO said the changes were needed because it had become "impossible" to process and analyze in a timely and meaningful manner the hundreds of interconnection applications that poured into the ISO each of the past several years.
The $1.5 million program, which began June 6th, will enroll up to 7,000 new thermostats, EVs, EV chargers, and batteries with a focus on low- and moderate-income customers.
A review of comments shows clear dissatisfaction with Duke Energy’s proposed Carbon Plan, which critics say put arbitrary limits on solar and assumes technology will emerge to run fossil fuel power plants without emissions.
Six organizations are receiving awards for energy efficiency retrofits, LED lighting, solar power upgrades, weather sealing, and more.
The report largely focuses on strategies to decarbonize the power sectors in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and remote communities that rely heavily on fossil fuels, like natural gas.
This funding is meant to advance the development and demonstration of scalable innovative long duration energy storage (LDES) solutions that harness and provide stored renewable energy to the state’s electric grid
Libra Solar features a 700 MWac solar energy system paired with a 700 MW BESS capable of delivering 2800 MWh of storage per day.
Floating solar photovoltaic panels could supply all the electricity needs of some countries, research from Bangor and Lancaster universities and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology has shown. The study aimed to calculate the global potential for deploying floating solar arrays. The researchers calculated the daily electrical output for floating photovoltaics (FPV) on nearly 68,000 lakes and reservoirs around…
The global hydropower fleet has grown to 1,412 GW, but the five-year rolling average shows a downward trend, per the World Hydropower Outlook.
The global hydropower fleet has grown to 1,412 GW, but the five-year rolling average shows a downward trend, per the World Hydropower Outlook.
The project for Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Co-op (SSVEC), an AEPCO member co-op, includes a 40-MWh energy storage system and an existing 20-MW photovoltaic (PV) system that will integrate Athena, Stem’s AI-driven clean energy software, to continuously operate and monitor the storage system.
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Episode 77 of the Factor This! podcast features Tory Lauterbach, a partner in the energy and climate practice at Foley Hoag LLP, who breaks down what FERC did, and didn't, do to boost transmission.
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