In this issue, January 14, 2020 View it in your browser.

Extending Kubernetes, Google Open-Sources ALBERT, Deep Java Library, Kubernetes Security, HTTP/3, Kotlin Coroutines, Azure Functions 3.0, Babel 7.7, Vue 3.0, Software is Synthetic

Join the Software Developers, Technical Team Leads and Senior Engineers who attend QCon New York 2020.

At QCon New York we have a program committee that creates the software conference they themselves would want to attend. This year’s committee includes Cerner’s Engineering Director Michelle Brush, Paypal’s Chief Data Engineer Sid Anand, and 6 other experts in their fields. Don’t miss the $940 discount, register before Feb 1st.



The Manager’s Guide to Messaging for Development Teams

Modern messaging platforms help dev teams ship software and manage operations with greater speed and confidence. Read this guide to learn more about the challenges to effective DevOps collaboration, top reasons to adopt a modern messaging platform, and what to look for. Download Now.

Kelsey Hightower on Extending Kubernetes, Event-Driven Architecture, and Learning

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant sat down with Kelsey Hightower, staff developer advocate at Google. Topics covered included: the extensibility of Kubernetes, and why it has become the platform that other platforms are being built on top of; creating event-driven architectures and deploying these onto Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms like the Kubernetes-based Knative and Google Cloud Run. (Podcast)

Arie van Bennekum on the Liquid Manifesto

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Arie van Bennekum about Liquid Manifesto, a transformation framework to help organisations shift from old paradigms to new ones.(Podcast)

Validate your software development map for 2020

Discover the trends from 2019 that will impact your plans for 2020. Get insights from InfoQ editors, senior developers like you, that will help you make informed mid and long-term decisions about what technologies you should invest in. Bonus: best tech talks that you should have missed last year. Read more.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Deep Java Library: New Deep Learning Toolkit for Java Developers

  2. Google Open-Sources ALBERT Natural Language Model

Machine Learning 101

Grishma Jena gives an overview of Machine Learning and delves deep into the pipeline used - right from fetching the data, the tools and frameworks used to creating models, gaining insights and telling a story. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!

ML in the Browser: Interactive Experiences with Tensorflow.js

Victor Dibia provides a friendly introduction to machine learning, covers concrete steps on how front-end developers can create their own ML models and deploy them as part of web applications. He discusses his experience building Handtrack.js - a library for prototyping real time hand tracking interactions in the browser. (Presentation with transcript included)



Serving Machine Learning Models

This practical guide introduces architecture for serving models in real time as part of input stream processing. Using Python, Beam, Flink, Spark, Kafka streams and Akka, you’ll learn different ways to build a model-scoring solution. Download Now.


  1. Google Introduces E2 Family of VMs in Beta for Google Compute Engine

  2. HyScale Open Sources App Deployment Tool for Kubernetes

  3. Improving Continuous Integration at Dropbox Using Bazel

  4. Improving Capacity Management in Kubernetes Clusters: Q&A with Mohamed Ahmed

  5. AWS CloudWatch Adds Observability Tool for Visualizing Distributed Applications

Kubernetes Security: The State of the Union - a Virtual Panel

InfoQ caught up with experts Scott Coulton, cloud developer advocate at Microsoft, Liz Rice, VP of open source engineering at Aqua Security, Gareth Rushgrove, director of product management at Snyk, Maya Kaczorowski, product manager for security and privacy at Google Cloud and Kirsten Newcomer, senior principal product manager at Redhat about the state of the union of Kubernetes security. (Article)

Cutting-Edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spring-Based Spinnaker

Andreas Evers discusses Spinnaker, a stateful, open-source, multi-region, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform written in Spring. (Presentation)

How to Invest in Technical Infrastructure

Will Larson unpacks the process of picking and prioritizing technical infrastructure work, which is essential to long-term company success but discussed infrequently. Larson shares Stripe's approaches to prioritizing infrastructure as a company scales, justifying a company's spend on technical infrastructure, exploring the whole range of possible areas to invest into infrastructure. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. BLAKE3 Is an Extremely Fast, Parallel Cryptographic Hash

  2. The Status of HTTP/3

Bits and Pieces

Kenneth McAlpine explores how the combination of hardware and performative coding shaped the sound of early video game music, and how it changed the way that composers conceived of and used music. (Presentation)

Taking Back Software Engineering

Dave Farley discusses adopting a disciplined, scientific approach to solving problems in software while still encouraging people-centric creation. (Presentation)

A Bottom-Up View of Kotlin Coroutines

Recently coroutines have become popular as an alternative to Reactive Programming on the JVM. In many cases the costs of restructuring your code around functional operations for reactive streams outweigh the benefits, so coroutines have emerged, initially for Android, as an alternative solution. This deep dive explores how Kotlin's implementation works under the hood. (Article)

Write Less Code with Kotlin and Spring Boot

Todd Ginsberg presents the basics of Kotlin and the features that make it compelling. (Presentation)

Keeping Up with Java: Look at All These New Features!

Gil Tene discusses some of the new Java deployment features and issues that will affect migration of applications from earlier versions. (Presentation)


  1. Azure Functions 3.0 Released to Production, Support for .NET Core 3.1 and Node 12 Included

Preparing Entity Framework Core for Static Analysis and Nullable Reference Types

In this article we walk through the process of updating an EF Core 3.1 based DAL to adhere to modern best practices such as TreatWarningsAsErrors, FxCopAnalyzers, and C# 8’s nullable reference types. (Article)


  1. Babel 7.7 Released with Improved TypeScript Support, Top-Level Await and More

  2. CSS-in-JS Performance Cost - Mitigating Strategies

  3. Snowpack Releases 1.0, Seeks to Speed Up App Development by Removing the Need for Bundlers

  4. ESLint 6.7.0 Released

  5. New Features and Design Principles of Vue 3.0 - Evan You at VueConf Toronto

The Datum Data Binding Library

There has been an explosion of frameworks and libraries for making single page applications for the web. Angular, React, Vue and quite a few others have made it easier to develop on the web and helped fuel its growth as webapps have become more dynamic and interactive. However, there may still be room for other libraries and new ideas such as Datum, a new, simple data binding library. (Article)

Apple, Google, Amazon, And Others Team Up to Create New Smart Home Standard

Connected Home over IP is a recently announced, joint effort by Apple, Google, Amazon, and the Zigbee Alliance to define a connectivity standard for smart home products. To accelerate this initiative, Apple has open sourced parts of its core technology for smart home connectivity. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Decision Strategies for a Micro Frontends Architecture

  2. Can We Build Trustable Hardware? Andrew Huang at 36C3

The Fundamental Truth behind Successful Development Practices: Software is Synthetic

Software systems are creative compounds, emergent and generative; the product of complex interactions between people and technology. They are different from the orderly, analytic worlds that our school-age selves expect to find. Beings so full of complexity and uncertainty, we use a different way to arrive at a solution. (Article)

Spring HATEOAS: Hypermedia APIs with Spring

Oliver Drotbohm and Greg Turnquist discuss how to build flexible web services using hypermedia with Spring HATEOAS 1.0. (Presentation)

Managing Failure Modes in Microservice Architectures

Adrian Cockcroft explores how to apply some industry standard techniques (including Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) to cloud native microservices architectures. He looks at how chaos engineering techniques are driving the industry from annual datacenter disaster recovery testing of monolithic applications to continuous resilience assurance for cloud native microservices. (Presentation with transcript included)

Mind Your State for Your State of Mind

Pat Helland provides a partial taxonomy of diverse storage solutions available over a distributed cluster. Part of this is an exploration of the interactions among different features of a store. The talk then considers how distinct application patterns have grown over time to leverage these stores and the business requirements they meet. It concludes with a set of actionable takeaways. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Scaling Tech to Keep Building the Right Product During Hyper-Growth

Q&A on The Host Leadership Field Book

The Host Leadership Field Book: Building Engagement for Performance and Results provides 30 cases and experiences from people who are applying host leadership in different settings. The book emerged from the 2019 Host Leadership Gathering, and was edited by Mark McKergow and Pierluigi Pugliese. (Article)

LeSS in Embedded Automotive Software Development by the Example of BMW Instrument Display/Cluster Instrument

Alexandra Kloss and Ari Tikka discuss how LeSS can help when several companies are involved, the overall workflow is waterfall with fixed deadlines, and the culture uses detailed specifications. (Presentation)



Free Scrum Learning Paths

Continue your professional learning with our free online learning paths. These learning paths are targeted by role including: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team Member and Leadership.

Career Abroad - How the Best Technologists Are Conquering the World

Thiago Ghisi discusses lessons learned in his career securing and advancing in a good job. (Presentation)

Create Your 8™ and Eradicate Stress-Induced Depression

Ryan Caligiuri discusses how to increase mental resilience, the two precursors to resilience, the four pillars of resilience, and reprogramming the brain to better respond to stressful situations. (Presentation)