In this issue, July 4, 2023 View it in your browser.

Google PaLM-E, Kubernetes BOMs, AzDetectSuite, GitHub Survey, OpenJDK CRaC, Java Pattern Matching, Rx.NET v6.0, Avalonia UI, Swift 5.9, eBay Velocity, Twitter Caching, Staff+ Engineering, Neurodivergency

QCon Workshops starting from $920 (Oct 5-6)

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Workshop tickets are refundable until 7 August 2023.
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SQL to NoSQL: Architectural Differences

Read this paper to understand SQL to NoSQL architectural differences, the tradeoffs between flexibility, scale, and cost, and considerations for successful SQL to NoSQL migrations. Download now.

Data Engineering Innovations eMag

In the InfoQ "Data Engineering Innovations" eMag, you'll find up-to-date case studies and real-world data engineering solutions from technology SME’s and leading data practitioners in the industry. (eMag)

Jim Highsmith Looking Back and Looking Forward

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Jim Highsmith, looking back on six decades in software engineering and his new book Wild West to Agile. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Microsoft Guidance Offers Language for Controlling Large Language Models

  2. Google's PaLM-E Combines Vision and Language AI for Robot Control

Comparative Analysis of Major Distributed File System Architectures: GFS vs. Tectonic vs. JuiceFS

As storage needs continue to grow, traditional disk file systems have revealed their limitations. To address the growing storage demands, distributed file systems have emerged as dynamic and scalable solutions. In this article, we explore the design principles, innovations, and challenges addressed by three representative distributed file systems: Google File System (GFS), Tectonic, and JuiceFS. (Article)

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JetBrains Developer Ecosystem 2023 Survey

Take the Developer Ecosystem survey and help us expand our map of the developer ecosystem in 2023. Get personalized insights and enter for a chance to win valuable prizes (a MacBook Pro 16, an iPhone 14, and more). Take the survey now.


  1. Amazon Introduces Live Tail in CloudWatch Logs for Real-Time Exploration of Logs

KSOC Labs Release the First Kubernetes Bill of Materials (KBOMs)

KSOC labs recently announced the release of the first Kubernetes Bill of Materials(KBOMs). KBOM is an open source standard and command-line tool that helps security teams quickly analyze cluster configurations and respond to CVEs. The project includes an initial specification and implementation that works across cloud providers, on-prem, and DIY environments. (News)

Sponsored by Microsoft


Azure App Service 101: Moving your .NET Application to the Cloud

Let’s face it, moving a line-of-business application that’s been designed to run on-prem, or even on a virtual machine, to the cloud can be intimidating. In this article, you'll discover how Azure App Service makes an excellent first step for a .NET application’s cloud journey. Learn more.


  1. Microsoft Empowers Government Agencies with Secure Access to Generative AI Capabilities

  2. Public Preview of JSON Schema Support in Azure Event Hubs Schema Registry for Kafka Applications

  3. Microsoft Previews .NET Framework Custom Code for Azure Logic Apps Standard

  4. Microsoft Open Sources AzDetectSuite Library for Detection Engineering in Azure

New Azure Cosmos DB Features to Boost Performance and Optimize Cost

Microsoft has recently unveiled several new features for Azure Cosmos DB to enhance cost efficiency, boost performance, and increase elasticity. These features are burst capacity, hierarchical partition keys, serverless container storage of 1 TB, and priority-based execution. (News)

Insights from GitHub's Survey - Developers Embrace AI, Collaboration, and Communication Skills

Recently, GitHub released the findings of a survey that involved 500 developers from enterprise companies in the United States, with the objective of understanding their perspectives on the developer experience. The survey revealed that 92% of developers incorporate AI into their day-to-day work, they are actively seeking enhanced collaboration, and placing emphasis on communication skills. (News)


  1. OpenJDK Project CRaC Cracks Mainstream Adoption

  2. QCon New York 2023: Living on the Edge with Erica Pisani

  3. Java News Roundup: JNoSQL 1.0, Liberica NIK 23.0, Micronaut 4.0-RC2, Log4j 3.0-Alpha1, KCDC, JCON

A Comprehensive Guide to Java's New Feature: Pattern Matching for Switch

Java brings an update with Pattern Matching for Switch. This article provides a detailed exploration of this feature, examining its support for any reference type, inclusion of null values, and introduction of guarded patterns. It also delves into the new runtime exception class - MatchException, and illustrates the compatibility of this feature with traditional switch statements. (Article)

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Next Generation OAuth and OpenID Connect

To cater to evolving IAM needs, OAuth and OpenID Connect are constantly updated to provide state-of-the-art specifications. Watch free webinar to learn about OAuth 2.1, FAPI 2.0, and verifiable credentials.


  1. Uno Platform Visual Studio Code Extension Introduces Mobile Debugging

  2. Avalonia UI v11 Release Candidate 1: Breaking Changes and API Stabilization

  3. SharePoint Framework 1.17 Introduces Web Part Top Actions and Change to Update Cadence

Rx.NET v6.0: Enhancing Compatibility, Trimming Support, and Many More

Last month, the team behind Rx.NET announced the release of the 6.0 version. The latest version of the library brings several improvements and aligns itself with the current .NET ecosystem. While the update doesn't introduce significant new functionality, it focuses on enhancing compatibility, supporting the latest versions of .NET, and addressing common pain points for developers. (News)

Swift 5.9 Brings Macro Expansion Power to the Language

Introduced at WWDC 2023, Swift 5.9, now available in beta, brings a major extension to the language capabilities through support for generating code at compile-time using macros. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. eBay Doubles Team Velocity after Reworking Their Most Important Page

  2. Slack Leverages Bespoke Tracing Architecture for Message Notifications

Designing the Jit Analytics Architecture for Scale and Reuse

As a SaaS provider, analytical data at Jit needs to be useful to both their customers and to internal stakeholders. AWS services including EventBridge, Kinesis Data Firehose, and Timestream handle data ingestion and UI platforms from Mixpanel and Segment provide data visualization. (Article)

Ubiquitous Caching: a Journey of Building Efficient Distributed and In-Process Caches at Twitter

Juncheng Yang discusses three trends in hardware, workload, and cache usage that shape the design of modern caches. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Challenges and Skills for Staff+ Engineering, Learnings from QCon New York

  2. Considering Remote Mob Programming in a High Stakes Environment

Embracing ADHD and Other Neurodivergencies in Software Development Teams

In recent years, there has been increased attention to neurodivergencies such as ADHD, hyper-sensitivity, autism, dyslexia, etc. In this article, Dietrich Moerman tells his own story about ADHD while working as a software developer and becoming a team lead, what he learned, and what he found to be working well to help people with ADHD and more to thrive in their teams and companies. (Article)

Stress Free Change Validation at Netflix

Javier Fernandez-Ivern discusses why a high confidence change process for code bases is needed, how zero-noise diffs help close the confidence gap, and recommended practices for building a diff system (Presentation with transcript included)

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