
The Fed is letting interest rates stay where they are for now, but that doesn't mean they won't climb come summer. Speaking of summer, that's when Elon Musk says he'll be making 5,000 of his Model 3s every weekDavid E. Rovella

Here are today's top stories

The Fed didn't raise rates and hinted at a willingness to let inflation exceed 2 percent. Nevertheless, investors are unlikely to back off their expectation of a June rate hike.

The Republican tax cut and spending increases are forcing the U.S. to issue an extra $73 billion in government bonds this quarter.

Tesla beat back the haters, forecasting it’ll generate cash later this year as production of Musk’s critical, mass-market sedan accelerates.

Google is secretly building a social-gaming startup. Arcade will be a social-media investment, because a successful game is also a social network—or so the search engine giant hopes.

President Donald Trump is threatening to intervene in a fight over internal Justice Department documents sought by House Republicans, including some related to the Russia criminal probe. 

More finance jobs are leaving New York as the pricey metropolis forces firms to look for cheaper digs elsewhere, including Nashville, Jacksonville and Salt Lake City.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking? The Bloomberg Markets executive editor isn't so certain fear of Facebook in the online dating space is as warranted as stocks seem to suggest. 

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight

Go to Honolulu For the Beach, Stay For Amazing Restaurants 

Honolulu has been lifting its food-and-drink bar ever higher, from elite sushi to smoking cocktails, local breakfasts to no-frills poke, and even a food hall that merits a look. Oh, and it's usually beautiful and warm outside.

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