In this issue, March 3, 2020 View it in your browser.

Data Mesh, Agile Fluency, PyTorch 1.4, Kubernetes at Jetstack, Google's TCMalloc, Kotlin Ktor, .NET Core on Raspberry Pi, the Airbnb Design System, ZetZ

What’s the story behind the Technical Team Leads and Senior Engineers who organize QCon New York 2020?

“I have been a big advocate of the QCon conferences. One of the reasons is the attention to detail. They always try to have a good chunk of time between sessions, because a lot of the most important stuff that happens during conferences is the discussions between sessions.” - Staff Software Engineer at Twitter Tony Printezis. Find out the rest of the story.



The 2020 State of Database DevOps Report from Redgate

With over 2000+ survey respondents, gain your insight into the landscape of database DevOps and see what trends, challenges, and opportunities are in store for 2020. Download now.

Zhamak Dehghani on Data Mesh, Domain-Oriented Data, and Building Data Platforms

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant discussed with Zhamak Dehghani about the motivations for becoming a data-driven organization; the challenges of adapting legacy data platforms and ETL jobs; and how to design and build the next generation of data platforms using ideas from domain-driven design and product thinking, and modern platform principles such as self-service workflows. (Podcast)

Diana Larsen on the Origins of Agility and Agile Fluency

In this podcast recorded at Agile 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Diana Larsen about the origins of what became agile development, where business agility is headed and the agile fluency project. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. MIT CSAIL TextFooler Framework Tricks Leading NLP Systems

  2. PyTorch 1.4 Release Introduces Java Bindings, Distributed Training

  3. Boosting Apache Spark with GPUs and the RAPIDS Library

How Can Artificial Intelligence Use Big Data for Translating Documents?

John Ortega shows how documents, known as corpora, filled with information from various sources can be used to provide artificial intelligence to a translation system. (Presentation)

Data Mesh Paradigm Shift in Data Platform Architecture

Zhamak Dehghani introduces Data Mesh, the next generation data platform, that shifts to a paradigm drawing from modern distributed architecture: considering domains as the first class concern, applying platform thinking to create self-serve data infrastructure, and treating data as a product. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon New York, July 15-17, 2020. Join us!

Reactive Relational Database Connectivity with Spring

Mark Paluch explains R2DBC, how the API works, and the benefits for application developers who aim for functional reactive access with Spring Data R2DBC. (Presentation)


  1. Microsoft Releases Azure App Configuration to General Availability

  2. How Jetstack Set Up a Global Load Balancer for Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

  3. GitHub Actions API Released into Public Beta

  4. OpsRamp Introduces AI-Driven Suggestions

  5. Microsoft Adds Virtual Network Support for Azure Firewall Manager, Enables Centralized Management

Multi-Runtime Microservices Architecture

Best practices have emerged around “microservice” architecture and “12-factor app” design. As cloud, containers, and container orchestrators (.g. Kubernetes) have become popular, new solutions to address common integration principles have emerged. This article discusses the approach of using "mecha" components to provide enterprise integration pattern functionality for microservices. (Article)

Platforms Demystified: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Eirini, and Knative

Nic Williams and Matthias Haeussler compare and contrast several cloud platforms: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Project Eirini, and Knative. (Presentation)

Portable Pipelines

Carlos Leon enlists some of the best practices to make a pipeline portable from one tool to the other and make it testable from a local environment. (Presentation)

Continuous Monitoring with JDK Flight Recorder (JFR)

Mikael Vidstedt gives an overview of JDK Flight Recorder (JFR), showcases the current feature, as well as some features coming in the future. JFR is a monitoring and troubleshooting framework built directly into the Java runtime. JFR has access to all the internal data of the JVM and can capture and surface data on a fine-grained level with extremely low overhead. (Presentation with transcript included)

High Resolution Performance Telemetry at Scale

Brian Martin explores the issues of resolution in performance monitoring, covers sources of performance telemetry including hardware performance and eBPF, and talks about some tricks for getting high resolution telemetry without high costs. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. TCMalloc, Google's Customized Memory Allocator for C and C++, Now Open Source

Sorbet: Why and How We Built a Typechecker for Ruby

Dmitry Petrashko talks about Sorbet, a fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. At Stripe, they used Sorbet to drive code quality via measurable, concrete indicators. Petrashko covers why they started this project and what contributed to its success. (Presentation with transcript included)

MakeCode: Types, Games and Machine Code

Michal Moskal talks about the MakeCode platform, an open source platform and accompanying web app for building educational programming for small, cheap embedded devices. He gives some technical details about the STS compiler, and discusses MakeCode Arcade - an editor for retro-style games that run in the browser and on dedicated hardware, and can be programmed easily using modern, high-level APIs. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. Q&A with Martijn Verburg and Bruno Borges of Microsoft Regarding Contributing to the OpenJDK

  2. Equifax Hackers Charged with Crime

Tutorial: Writing Microservices in Kotlin with Ktor—a Multiplatform Framework for Connected Systems

Ktor (pronounced Kay-tor) is a framework built from the ground up using Kotlin and coroutines. It is a great fit for applications that require HTTP and/or socket connectivity. These can be HTTP backends and RESTful systems, whether or not they’re architectured in a microservice approach. (Article)

How to Get Productive with Spring Boot

Madhura Bhave covers several Spring Boot features: dependency management, starters, devtools, autocompletion for configuration files, test slices, debugging options, and more. (Presentation)

What’s New in Spring Data?

Christoph Strobl discusses some of the latest enhancements to Spring Data. (Presentation)

Have Your Pi and Eat It Too: .NET Core on Raspberry Pi

Cam Soper demonstrates the possibilities of .NET Core, including ASP.NET Core and Web API, on an IoT device. (Presentation)


  1. CSS Motion Path Now Supported in Most Browsers

  2. Storybook 5.3 Released, Targets Design Systems, Supports Web Components

  3. A Guide to Writing Properties of Pure Functions - John Hughes at Lambda Days 2020

Building (and Re-Building) the Airbnb Design System - React Conf 2019

Maja Wichrowska and Tae Kim, engineers at Airbnb, explained how Airbnb’s design system evolved its architecture and implementation in response to business and technical challenges encountered. (News)

ZetZ is a Formally Verified Dialect of C

ZetZ, or ZZ for short, is a Rust-inspired C dialect that is able to formally verify your code by executing it symbolically at compile time in a virtual machine. InfoQ has spoken with ZZ creator and maintainer Avid Picciani. (News)

Evolving Architecture with DDD and Hypermedia: Einar Høst at DDD Europe

Hypermedia is an enabler for a better architecture, Einar Høst claimed in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference in Amsterdam. In his talk he described the architecture challenges at NRK TV, the TV streaming service at the Norwegian public broadcaster, and how they migrated their monolithic architecture into a more modular design and implemented hypermedia in their Player API. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How Leaders Can Foster High-Performing Teams

Data-Driven Decision Making – Product Development with Continuous Delivery Indicators

The Data-Driven Decision Making Series provides an overview of how the three main activities in the software delivery - Product Management, Development and Operations - can be supported by data-driven decision making. In Development, Continuous Delivery Indicators can be used to steer the efficiency of the development process. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Surrounded by Idiots

The book Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson provides a method for assessing behaviors of people we communicate with. This method can help to increase our understanding of how people communicate and to better communicate and collaborate with people. It will also give you a better self-awareness. (Article)

Leadership at Every Level: Practices for Aligned Autonomy

Matthew Philip connects the philosophy of intent-based leadership with practices that enable one to realize the benefits of aligned autonomy, regardless of where it is found in the org chart. (Presentation)

Agile 18 Years Later

Jason Little explores patterns of the last 18 years using data from all 13 Version One State of Agile surveys and opinionates that Agile has evolved as any other set of ideas. (Presentation)

When Transformation Transforms You

Fernando Sánchez shares his experience taking a step forward and investing into the digital transformation of a fashion retailer. (Presentation)

Maps and Organization

Ramon van Alteren discusses the need to introduce and follow a doctrine when mapping an organization. (Presentation)