Good morning, Marketer, enjoying remote working?

From my personal experience talking to marketers, a lot of you are still working remotely. Me too. In my case, that’s an indefinite state of being simply because MarTech does not have a brick and mortar office to go back to.

It has its advantages and disadvantages, doesn’t it? And then there’s the nightmare of the internet outage. I had one the first half of yesterday. My service provider had no record of an outage in my area so I inferred it was my equipment and scheduled a service appointment — for the next day.

And suddenly I was confronted with the absence of a digital environment. I looked at all the virtual meetings I would have had to cancel. I handed over editing and publishing duties. I reconciled myself to 24 hours working offline. I wondered, not for the first time, how society would have functioned if COVID had arrived ahead of the internet. Then my service came back; no idea why. Let me cancel that call. 

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Google’s Topics API provokes a range of reactions

Some praise Google's replacement for FLoC while others are quick to point out its limitations.

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What is CRM and how does it support marketing?

A marketers' guide to CRM and its relationship-building capabilities.

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CMOs, put these 4 trends at the top of your agenda for success this year

According to McKinsey, the future of work is hybrid, and Forrester dubbed 2022 the “year to be bold” as demands only grow stronger. Strategic marketing leaders must reshape their agenda in line with these new realities to find success this year.

So, where should leaders focus as they reenvision their organizations for the road ahead?

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3 ways marketers can prepare for a cookieless future

How marketers can adapt their data strategies to third-party cookie deprecation.

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Customer Experience Trends Report

Acquia worked with Vanson Bourne to collect the views of 8,000 consumers and 800 marketers across Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States from July to August 2021. The survey explores shifts in marketing and consumer expectations about CX and privacy. As they examine these research findings and implications, they’ll discuss how brands are adapting to the changing landscape and key lessons learned.

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Taboola automates personalized homepages

The new Homepage For You solution uses AI to curate relevant, personalized homepage content.

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Registration is open for MarTech! Grab your free pass now and join us online, March 29-30, 2022 — for FREE — to explore cutting-edge solutions that save you time and make you money.

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Snapchat launches augmented reality tool Shopping Lenses

The experience upgrade aims at boosting augmented reality for social commerce shoppers and brands.

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Don’t conflate CDP and CRM

David Raab of the CDP Institute says CDP and CRM should not be confused.

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Quote of the day. “Marketing just cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts. Marketing works as a system and attribution obscures interdependencies. Think of a cookie recipe. How can cookie revenue be apportioned to individual ingredients? Attributing X% of outcome to sugar and X% to baking soda isn’t helpful. Both are critical.

“When you purchase a car, how can you attribute portions of the price you paid to the billboard you saw last month, the recommendation from your brother-in-law at a party two weeks ago, the TV ad last week, the pop-up ad on Facebook the day before, and the location of the dealership?” Kathleen Schaub, marketing strategist

From Search Engine Land

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