To bypass Google’s extension validation checks, attackers modified copies of legitimate extensions and added malicious script inside. Thanks to Google’s security algorithms, seven of these extensions were removed right after their discovery, including Nigelify, PwnerLike, Alt-j, Fix-case, Divinity 2 Original Sin: Wiki Skill Popup, keeprivate, and iHabno. Radware emphasized that the malware only infected Chrome users on Windows and Linux so other browsers are unaffected by the attack.
Radware pointed out that the malware went undetected despite tight security over the network. The firm also warned that attackers might identify other ways to bypass security controls with mutated malware disguised as browser plug-ins. And it seemed that bad Chrome extensions are one of Google’s weak spots.
Meanwhile, Trend Micro has identified the return of FacexWorm, a malicious extension that propagates via socially engineered links on Facebook Messenger similar to Digmine. Apart from stealing credentials, FacexWorm redirects potential victims to cryptocurrency scams and referral links of attackers, installs bad mining codes, and takes over transactions on trading platforms and in web wallets. It was first spotted in August of last year but resurfaced recently in certain countries. READ MORE. |