Security professionals warn that Google's new top-level domains, .zip and .mov, pose social engineering risks while providing little reason for their existence.
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 May 25, 2023
Google's .zip, .mov Domains Give Social Engineers a Shiny New Tool
Security professionals warn that Google's new top-level domains, .zip and .mov, pose social engineering risks while providing little reason for their existence.
OAuth Flaw in Expo Platform Affects Hundreds of Third-Party Sites, Apps
A cybersecurity vulnerability found in an implementation of the social login functionality opens the door to account takeovers and more.
'Volt Typhoon' China-Backed APT Infiltrates US Critical Infrastructure Orgs
According to Microsoft and researchers, the state-sponsored threat actor could very well be setting up a contingency plan for disruptive attacks on the US in the wake of an armed conflict in the South China Sea.
Microsoft: BEC Attackers Evade 'Impossible Travel' Flags With Residential IP Addresses
Threat actors are circumventing geo-location-based security detections, using a combination of cybercrime-as-a-service platforms and the purchasing of local IP addresses.
Bridgestone CISO: Lessons From Ransomware Attack Include Acting, Not Thinking
A February 2022 attack knocked the giant tire maker's North American operations offline for several days.
PyPI Shuts Down Over the Weekend, Says Incident Was Overblown
The climate of concern around open source security and supply chain attacks may have caused a small story to become a big one.
3 Common Initial Attack Vectors Account for Most Ransomware Campaigns
The data shows how most cyberattacks start, so basic steps can help organizations avoid becoming the latest statistic.
Apple Patches 3 Zero-Days Possibly Already Exploited
In an advisory released by the company, Apple revealed patches for three previously unknown bugs it says may already have been used by attackers.
Meta Hit With $1.3B Record-Breaking Fine for GDPR Violations
The technology conglomerate has until later this year to end its transfer of European user's data across the Atlantic.
3 Ways Hackers Use ChatGPT to Cause Security Headaches
As ChatGPT adoption grows, the industry needs to proceed with caution. Here's why.
Cyber Warfare Lessons From the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Techniques used in cyber warfare can be sold to anyone — irrespective of borders, authorities, or affiliations. We need to develop strategies to respond at scale.
Keep Your Friends Close and Your Identity Closer
As we share an increasing amount of personal information online, we create more opportunities for threat actors to steal our identities.
Talking Security Strategy: Cybersecurity Has a Seat at the Boardroom Table
Pending new SEC rules reinforce how integral cybersecurity is to modern business operations, and will help close the gap between security teams and those making policy decisions.

Enterprises Must Prepare Now for Shorter TLS Certificate Lifespans
Shorter certificate lifespans are beneficial, but they require a rethink of how to properly manage them.

5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating a New Cybersecurity Technology
Any new cybersecurity technology should be not just a neutral addition to a security stack but a benefit to the other technologies or people managing them.

Microsoft Azure VMs Hijacked in Cloud Cyberattack
Cybercrime group that often uses smishing for initial access bypassed traditional OS targeting and evasion techniques to directly gain access to the cloud.

Israeli Shipping, Logistics Companies Targeted in Watering Hole Attacks
Researchers say the Iranian nation-state actor known as Tortoiseshell could be behind the attacks.

What Security Professionals Need to Know About Aggregate Cyber-Risk
Widespread cyber incidents will happen, but unlike natural disasters, specific security controls can help prevent a catastrophe.

Google Adds Guardrails to Keep AI in Check
Companies are starting to address the misuse of artificial intelligence (AI). At Google I/O, for example, executives promised its AI has safety measures.
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