
Google Scores Win In “Right to Be Forgotten” Case
How Domino’s Is Using Technology and Innovation To Drive Growth
Google received a welcome victory in the European Union’s highest court in relation to the EU’s “right to be forgotten” rules.
We’re focused on delivering an incredible innovation roadmap across all three of our clouds.
Amazon Announces Voice Interoperability Initiative—Leaves Out Apple and Google
iOS 13’s Privacy Changes Have Big Repercussions For Marketers
Already, more than 30 companies have signed on to the initiative, including the likes of Microsoft, Salesforce, Logitech, Qualcomm, Libre, Intel, Spotify and others.
There are a number of iOS 13 privacy-related features that will likely have a significant impact on marketing teams.

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We just launched a new consumer site that lets our agents collaborate with their clients, says Compass founder and CEO Robert Reffkin. It has features such as AI-driven recommendations exactly for the buyer. We co-create content with (B2B Influencers) in concert with brand messaging, says TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden.That all adds up to nurture and ultimately conversion.
Microsoft Patches Serious Flaw In Internet Explorer Five Eyes Sign Intelligence Agreement to Target China
Microsoft has released an emergency fix for Windows 10, following the discovery of a serious flaw in Internet Explorer.  The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprised of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


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