AlterNet Newsletter

TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 22, 2017

GOP's Planned Cuts to Medicaid Will Impoverish and Imperil Millions of Aging Baby Boomers and Seniors

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

One-fifth of Medicare recipients are covered through Medicaid, including nursing homes and long-term care. READ MORE»


Robert Reich: Our President Is an 'Unhinged Narcissistic Child Who Tweets Absurd Lies and Holds Rallies to Prop up His Fragile Ego'

By Robert Reich,

Trump's inner circle: his daughter, his son-in-law, and an oddball who once ran a white supremacist fake-news outlet. READ MORE»


Ex-Trump Supporter Who Attended 45 Rallies Says Attempt to Destroy Obamacare Made Him Turn on the President

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

"I believed everything he said." READ MORE»


Editorial: How We Can Fight Donald Trump and Authoritarianism

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

We need your help in this incredibly important fight. READ MORE»


Stephen Colbert Totally Dismantles the Trump Administration's In-House Conspiracy Theories

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

“Even if there’s a vast government conspiracy out to get you, they’re never going to bug two phones."  READ MORE»


Will Trump Be Impeached – Or Is It Just a Progressive Fantasy? Here's How It Would Work - If It Would at All

By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian

Only two presidents in history have been impeached, but murmurs continue to surround Trump READ MORE»


Do Not Delay: Implement Marijuana Legalization in California

By Lynne Lyman, AlterNet

Time to end laws that cause mass incarceration and criminalization of low-income people of color, and fail to protect public health.  READ MORE»


Wall Street Journal Issues Scathing Condemnation of Trump

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

The conservative newspaper, which didn't endorse Trump or Clinton, believes the president's credibility is shot. READ MORE»


Joe Scarborough: Trump Isn't Doing 'Anything He Said He Was Going to Do'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Morning Joe" host predicts trouble for the GOP.  READ MORE»


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