TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 17, 2017

GOP's Planned Attack on Our Health Care System Overwhelmingly Targets Blue States

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Republicans know they are targeting blue America. READ MORE»

Why Trump's Allies Efforts to Smear the Mueller Investigation Simply Won't Work

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Our national crisis is entering a decisive phase. READ MORE»

More Damning Evidence That the U.S. Is Directly Backing Al Qaeda-Linked Groups

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

Qatar's former prime minister admits the U.S. and its Gulf allies backed Salafi jihadists in Syria. READ MORE»

Is Lead in the U.S. Food Supply Decreasing Our National IQ?

By Keri Szejda, Andrew Maynard, The Conversation

A study has found that nearly 9 out of 10 baby food grape juice samples had detectable levels of lead in them. READ MORE»

Rand Paul and Al Franken Are Teaming Up to Protect Medical Marijuana from Jeff Sessions

By Jack Hunter, Rare

Their bill would protect states that allow medical marijuana from any federal interference and remove current obstacles to medical marijuana research. READ MORE»

As Temperatures Climb to 120 Degrees, Border Patrol Agents Raid Humanitarian Aid Camps on Arizona Border

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

Four migrants receiving medical care north of the Mexican border were arrested Thursday. READ MORE»

Trump Is Turning His Back on Having a Future with Cuba

By Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow PUSH Coalition

Trump's resentment of Obama could end Cuban-American relations and cost billions of dollars. READ MORE»

'I Will Make You Disappear': Trump Supporter Charged With Hate Crime Over Racist Threats

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Kenneth Sjarpe could be charged for two separate incidents. READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren's Inspiring Response to the Alexandria Shootings

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The Massachusetts senator reminds both parties of their shared values. READ MORE»

New York High School Student Arrested by ICE Hours Before Prom

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

"He didn't do anything wrong; he was just doing the best he could for his future." READ MORE»

9 Signs That You’re Not Eating Enough

By Franziska Spritzler, Authority Nutrition

Under-eating on a regular basis can lead to several mental, physical and emotional health issues. READ MORE»

The Legal Team That Mueller Picked to Help Him Tells Us a Lot About the Russia Investigation

By Julian Borger, The Guardian

Seasoned lawyers with a depth of experience that includes the investigations into Watergate, Enron and the bombings of the U.S. embassies in east Africa won’t be intimidated by the intense spotlight, experts say. READ MORE»

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