TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 3, 2017

Disastrous Republican Tax Plan Is Only the First Step in Long Term Effort to Cut Social Security and Medicare, Exacerbating Inequality

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Great damage is being done, even as the Trump mob is targeted by Robert Mueller. READ MORE»

Leaks Show How Super Wealthy School Privatizers Leaned on Hillary During 2014 Campaign

By Jake Jacobs, AlterNet

A leaked policy book captures the influence of billionaire donors looking to overhaul and privatize public education. READ MORE»

Why Trump Must Think Twice Before He Pardons Flynn

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

He should hesitate before pardoning anyone who might testify about him or members of his family.  READ MORE»

High-Tech Suicide Machine Makes Death a Painless, Peaceful, Optimal Way to Go

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The Sarco is a state-of-the-art death machine.  READ MORE»

Mueller Has a Roadmap and the End Game Is Nigh

By Lucian K. Truscott IV, Salon

President Trump is unhinged because Michael Flynn knows everything about his ties with Russia and he’s talking.  READ MORE»

Fate of the Earth Considered Again

By George Zilliac, AlterNet

Partisan politics has absolutely nothing to do with this terrible threat. READ MORE»

The Atrocious Big Pharma Record of the New HHS Nominee

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Billion dollar plus federal fines overseen by Eli Lilly exec. Alex Michael Azar II. READ MORE»

Relationships With 'Know-It-Alls' May Not Be Good for Your Mental Health

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

If you want to keep growing, leave the bullies behind.  READ MORE»

There Is A Massive Movement of Refugees Globally— International Community Shuts Down Its Borders in Response

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

There are 23 million people around the world displaced from the only homes they've ever known.  READ MORE»

The Tax Money Trump Has Spent on Golf Carts Could Have Bought 54,095 School Lunches

By Jennie Neufeld, Salon

We’re paying for the president’s golf obsession, bigly. READ MORE»

10 Domestic Violence and Mass Shootings: Why Existing Laws Fail

By Sierra Smucker, The American Prospect

State and federal lawmakers should take a closer look at the links between abuse and murder and work on new laws to stop batterers from acquiring guns.  READ MORE»

Parole Violations Are Driving Prison’s Revolving Door

By Shawn D. Bushway and David J. Harding, The Conversation

Giving technical parole violators punishments other than prison has great potential to shrink the prison population. READ MORE»

6 Key Takeaways from The Nation's Investigative Report on Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group's 'Legal Army'

By Brennan Suen, Media Matters

Alliance Defending Freedom is the largest anti-LGBTQ hate group and is a training ground for future legislators, judges and other government lawyers. READ MORE»

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